Untitled, Gojyo/Hakkai, R (for smex)

Apr 03, 2008 21:38

Title: untitled
Author: aonekosama
Warnings: not worksafe
Pairing: Gojyo/Hakkai
Prompt: #3 'post coital'
Notes: I cheated multiple times. This took more like one and half hours to write, despite the fact that it's actually just a re-written version of something I originally wrote down a couple of years ago. But I didn't look at that version while writing this! And I blame lack of sleep for being so slow. ^^'

* * *

"Is this... or should I...?"

"Ah... a little... faster, please... Please, ple- oh. Oh."

The hair at the back of Hakkai's head is still a little damp from the shower. Gojyo presses his forehead against the soft strands, eyes screwed tightly shut, shuddering from the effort of not coming right this second, not yet. Fuck, he thinks incoherently, when he said Hakkai was the first and last guy he would bring to his bed, he hadn't thought of... of... oh fuck.

That's when Hakkai's orgasm hits him. It creeps through his hands, through his head, through his dick, running tingling and electric over his skin and inside his bones, and suddenly Gojyo can't breathe. He can't breathe, he can't see, he can't even feel anything other than the white-hot, terrifying pleasure washing through him like it means to burn him clean of everything.

Hakkai is lying still in his arms, breathing heavily, his skin sprinkled with small beads of sweat. Gojyo takes a shuddering breath against his neck.

"Holy fuck..." he manages weakly. "That was... shit. I've no idea what it was." He is getting Hakkai's hairs into his mouth as he speaks, but he can't bring himself to move. "What happened?" he finally mumbles.

Hakkai is absently stroking his fingers. "Hmmm? What do you mean, what happened, Gojyo? I thought... oh. Oh." The stroking stops. "I'm sorry." Hakkai's voice sounds suddenly hoarse. "It must have been my chi. I didn't think it could run away like that, but of course I should have anticipated it..." He sounds almost panicky, and it makes Gojyo laugh.

"No, that's okay... Shit, that's more than okay." Without really thinking about it, he tightens the arm he has twined around Hakkai's waist. "That was easily the best orgasm I've ever had. Hell, I'd do it again any time. Besides..." Gojyo brushes his lips against the soft skin of Hakkai's neck. "The idea that it's your energy in me, making me feel that way..."

He doesn't have time to finish his thought before he senses a change in the atmosphere. Hakkai has gone rigid, his back suddenly like a wall of stone. Before Gojyo can shape his sluggishly moving thoughts into a question, Hakkai has slithered away from his arms and is already collecting his clothes from the floor.

"Hey..." Gojyo starts weakly, but Hakkai, standing now with his back to him, pressing the bundle of his clothes against his chest, interrupts him.

"I don't want you to fall in love with me."

In the silence following Hakkai's words Gojyo thinks he can almost hear how his heart skips a beat. What...? He wasn't... he isn't. Oh, fuck.

"In fact," there's a ghost of a smile playing around Hakkai's mouth, "it would be quite troublesome if you would."

A dry bark of a laugh escapes Gojyo's lips. "What are you talking about? Who's said anything about any shit like that."

Hakkai's hands, holding the clothes tightly, shake ever so slightly. He lets out a slow breath, and then half turns to look at Gojyo, who is now sitting up and reaching for his cigarettes.

"I'm taking a shower," Hakkai states. There's a trickle of come running slowly down his inner thigh, and Gojyo tries not to stare at it. "Would you like a cup of coffee after I'm done?"

"What?" The mundane question takes a few seconds to sink in. Then Gojyo shrugs and grins, lifting a cigarette to his lips. "Yeah, sure. Thanks."

"No problem."

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pair:gojyo/hakkai, challenge:post coital, author:aonekosama, rating:r

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