Challenge # 2 - Unexplored Territory

Mar 28, 2008 06:20

For the challenge time challenge: Unexpected territory. 40 min.
Title: untitled
Rating: Work safe
Warnings: twins
Pairings: none yet. Could work it’s way there though.
Summary: Kanan’s hair color goes from brunette to blonde in less than a day, and she expects an acceptable critique from her brother.
Author’s notes: Written at 5:33 am with little caffine in the system. I hope this makes sense.
34 minutes to write. 5 minutes to edit.
Often wondered about the discrepancies in Kanan’s hair color between manga and anime. Still uncertain what it is supposed to be, but I think this solves the dilemma nicely; no reason it couldn’t have been both at one time or another.

Oh, and comments welcomed.

It genuinely took Gonou a moment to adjust what he was seeing with the knowledge this was the person he knew to be his sister.

Kanan ducked her head self-consciously, “Do you like it?”

Gonou hesitated before responding, “I don’t know,” he finally answered. Seeing Kanan’s shoulders slump he hurried to rectify his response, “I am used to associating ‘my twin’ with brunette,” he said in a reasonable tone. He knew his answer still wasn’t what she wanted to hear, “It looks - good; strange, but good.”

Kanan laughed at Gonou’s awkward backpedaling. Very typical of this older version of her twin to try to logic his way to an answer on how he ‘liked’ or ‘disliked’ something as simple as a hair color, “It’s hair and color, Gonou. See,” she said, holding a strand out to him, “Touch it,” she ordered.

One of Gonou’s brows rose at her very commanding tone, but accepted he would have to do this in order to make up for whatever shortcoming his verbal answer may have generated, but he’d do it in his own way. He never had been very good at taking orders from any one - even his sister.

Kanan held still as her twin raised his hand tentatively. Then it was her turn to be uncertain about how she felt, as Gonou’s fingertips started in her hair just over her ear and then thread their way back and down until they untangled from the blonde strands. She was glad she had conditioned it before he’d tried that; it would have been painful other wise. She looked up as he settled back, not much more than a step away now, and very much in her personal space. Funny how she didn’t find it invasive though - probably something to do with the fact they were twins. They’d been in each other’s personal spaces in the womb, she was certain. “Well?” she finally asked. The unfamiliar look on her brother’s face confused her even more.

Gonou chewed gently at the corner of his bottom lip while trying to decide his answer. The strands had felt amazingly soft running through his fingers - tickling the back of his hand. He stopped chewing as he came to a conclusion, and reached up and ran the fingers of his other hand through his sister’s hair. Finally, “I don’t think it matters what color it is if it feels like that all the time,” he answered with a slightly lost look in his green eyes. He finally came back to himself and looked slightly down so his gaze met his sister’s green eyes, “Gorgeous,” he finally pronounced. The smile he was rewarded with was unexpected, and it’s proximity breath taking.

“Good,” Kanan answered as she smiled, “I dyed it because one of my friends commented on how much alike we look. Wouldn’t want your grants taken away because they thought you might have some other means of obtaining this education.”

“Ah,” now it was Gonou’s turn to smile.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Kanan asked with narrowed eyes.

“I was hoping this wasn’t something you did often. I don’t know how I would react if you changed it every month or so,” Gonou answered, “I was fairly shocked the first time I saw it just moments ago. I don’t know I would handle it well with much frequency,” his smile slipped. It wasn’t really his place to care what his sister did with her hair. “And thank you.”

Kanan’s smile returned, “You really liked brunette better, didn’t you?” she accused.

Gonou smiled and nodded, “I would have to say I am partial to it. If your hair had been this color when we first met, I don’t know that I would have put a name to a face and known you were my sister,” he gapped as brush was pushed into his hands, “Wha?”

Kanan walked over to a stool and sat, “It will grow back. In the mean time brushing it will get you better acquainted with it,” she assured her brother.

“Oh,” Gonou wondered if it would feel different when it was brunette as he placed the bristles gently into his sister’s hair and pulled down softly.

char:gonou, author:erinmacha, challenge:unexplored territory, char:kanan

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