Challenge 61: Kanan, Chin Yisou, Gonou; PG-13/R (implied violence -- nothing on-screen)

Aug 14, 2009 11:40

Title: Scheherazade - or - A thousand and one youkai
Author: Esinde Nayrall red_squared
Warnings: Spoilers for Hakkai's backstory, and for Saiyuki non-manga extras (Graffiti, Saiyuubito, etc). Implied violence, but nothing graphic or on-screen.
Pairing(s): NONE. Well, unrequited Chin Yisou/Kanan, and implied Kanan/Gonou
Notes: Prompt 61 "hustling", and using the interpretation of bluffing, gambling or persuasion. 45 minutes allowed, 70 minutes taken, including 10 minutes to read over and tidy, and maybe 5-10 more to look things up on-line and in the manga. Also, text formatted in this colour is taken as a quote from the manga, or a translation of Graffiti or Saiyuubito.

Scheherazade -- or -- A thousand and one youkai

author:red_squared, char:gonou, rating:pg-13, challenge: hustling, char:kanan, rating:r

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