Title: In Loco Parentis
Author: opalmatrix
Warnings: Sanzo's mouth
Pairing(s): n/a, really
Spoilers: Sanzo's history; Sanzo and Goku's first days
Notes: written for
saiyuki_time, Challenge #55, a story in dialogue only; time allowed: 40 minutes; time taken: 35 minutes. Go team!
Summary: Goku has a lot of questions.
"Aren't you supposed to be asleep, Monkey?"
"Yes ... ."
"What, then?"
"What's a 'bastard?"
"Tch! I'm gonna kill that red-headed moron if he doesn't watch his mouth."
"Nu uh! It wasn't Gojyo. He wouldn't say anything really mean."
"Hnh. But someone did."
"So what exactly did he say?"
"He asked who my parents were. An' I said I didn't have any. Then he said I was a bastard."
"It's just a word. It means no one knows who your father was."
"Oh. Then why did it sound like he was sayin' something bad?"
"Tch. Some people care about stupid things. No one knows who my father was either. But at this point, I don't really care, Goku."
"Oh. That's right. The other Sanzo pulled you out of the water."
"My master. Koumyou Sanzo."
"Are you my master?"
"Tsss ... huh. No."
"What are you?"
"Tired, right now. Aren't you sleepy yet?"
"Sanzo ... ?"
"Hnhhh. Fine. I'm your guardian."
"Xien said it's better to have parents because they love you,"
"Not always. Just ask ... no. On second thought, don't."
"Goku. Look. A child needs food, clothes, a decent place to sleep. A child needs not to be hurt, and to be taught right from wrong, and to take care of himself. A child can get all those things without having parents. I did. You do too. Right?"
"Yes ... but parents always hafta take care of you - right?"
"Huh. Is that your problem?"
"Well ... ."
"You obviously didn't listen to what I told you, right after I brought you here."
"Didn't I tell you, I could never leave an idiot like you alone?"
"Oh. Yeah! Thank you, Sanzo!"
"Get the hell to bed!"
"Good night, Sanzo! You're the best!"
" .... tch. Moron."