Title: Looking Ahead
lady_ganeshCharacters: Gat, Hazel
Spoilers: Minor background spoilers for Gat
Rating: G
Time: Fifteen minutes to write, another five to look over and tweak.
"It's a new year today, Gat," Hazel said, pushing his hat back on his head. "What d'you think it's got in store for us?"
"I'm not sure," Gat said, walking up to stand at the priest's side. Hazel seemed so young sometimes, though they were not far apart in age. "I never thought the past year would bring so many changes." It was an understatement, but Hazel knew well enough what the changes in Gat's life-- if it could be called a life, now-- had been.
"There's quite a wind out here," Hazel said. "The coast is nice, don't you think?"
Gat nodded. He had heard stories about the ocean, but he'd never realized how truly massive it would be, how deep and dark its waters really were. It was chilly out here, but Hazel didn't seem to mind.
"Bishop Martin told me there's trouble," Hazel said. "Out West-- further West, so far West it's the East." He smiled at his own joke. "We might be headin' out there, to deal with the monsters. They've gone mad. Suppose it was just a matter of time."
Gat had his own thoughts on that point, but he knew better than to waste his energy in argument. He owed Hazel his existence; there was no sense in antagonizing him for no reason. After all, where else did he have to go?
"We'd be heroes," Hazel said, his face spreading into a grin. "Doin' the Lord's work. Isn't that something to think about?"
"Mmm," Gat said. "Something." He wondered what the Great Spirit thought of Hazel's god and his work, and tried not to notice the cold seeping into his dead bones.