Title: Work of Art
Author: sarah_serinde
Warnings: none
Pairings: none
Notes: For the "art" prompt. 25 minutes to write, 10 to edit.
After seeing several prompts that interested me, I finally got around to writing something. Loosely inspired by Whiteash's story Perfect Corners. Best. Pairing. Ever.
What, you thought he bought it? )
"As the voices grew closer and the sounds of chaos more pronounced, Sanzo grinned. Perfect." Best line. ^_^ Definitely.
SEQUEL. *puppy eyes* please? Please please?
But...sequel? How? It didn't really strike me as something that lent itself to a sequel. But if you give me a good idea, I'll make an attempt at writing it.
Thanks for the idea~
Of course, between school and moving into residence and laziness it make take me a little while... >_>
Yes. Sequel. *throws plot-bunnies at you*
I know all about that, trust me. ^_^ So no worries.
Great, maybe I'll get to this one after I finish that poem I promised to write for someone about a month ago (that thing is driving me crazy).
It's less of a theory and more of a "wouldn't it be funny if he did that?" sort of thing. :P But they've got to come from somewhere, and do you really think he'd trust someone else's craftmanship?
*suddenly finds a baby plot bunny at her feet* Hmm...
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