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1. Name: Jane
Nicknames: Takusen ^^ thats the most popular one by far.
Age: 20
Likes: mainly all of my hobbies, but I do enjoy fashion, anime, movies, roadtrips/travling, The Paranormal, and learning new things~
Dislikes: Homophobia, Racialism, bugs, backstabbing/being betrayed, hurting others, fakes, pretenders, hypocrites, cruelty in general, liars, drugsetc, know-it-alls, snobs, overly narcissistic people... etc.
Hobbies: cooking, making dolls from paper, writing, singing, drawing, painting, hanging out with friends, daydreaming, role playing, sleeping, cosplay, photography~ DRIVING should be a hobby of mine, I drive around too much :x ...always driving somewhere/with someone, when Im not working/studying rofl
Strong Points: courage, doing what I think is right (even if I get nervous if Im alone thinking it), hardworking, easy to make friends, and I have a highly active imagination, leaving me creative. Protective, I also tend to be the listener, I like giving advice. Curious. Im VERY patient, and try my best to make everyone have a good day.
Weak Points: feeling like Im not good enough or unworthy, ADHD, Dislexia, self esteem issues, bad at math and spelling @_@; easily annoyed sometimes. Sometimes nosey. CHOCOLATE. Mm, there are more, I think?
Your general mood: fairly good~
Three positive words that describe you: Creative, Kind, Unique
Three negative words that describe you: Self-hating, Envy, Procrastinator
Mature or immature: I have my moments for both XD;
Calm, normal, or hyper: basically the same as above?
Outgoing or shy/reserved: Outgoing
Optimist or pessimist: Optimistic
Act on impulse, or think things through: Depends on the situation. I've been known to do both. However, I think I lean a little more towards impulse?
Passive or aggressive: ASSERTIVE. Neither passive OR aggressive. Just in between.
Leader or follower: I can be both?
Night or day: mmm, I like afternoon, so I guess night?
Summer or winter: Summer!
Magic or weapons: Magic~ Its more fun :x
Favorite Food: oh goodness.. umm.. Almost anything from the bakery I work in... and.. I guess I like a lot of Japanese food. Lets just go with that~
Favorite Animal: I like MOST animals; I worked in a zoo for awhile? If I have to answer, either puppies or kittens?
Favorite Color: I like reds, blues, and greens~ (earthy colors hit it big for me too)
Favorite Subject: in school? Japanese or English~
Favorite Place: Japan (especially Shibuya, or Okayama). Besides that, my bed?
You are at a restaurant and want to be alone. Someone you don't know very well sits at your table and starts chatting to you. What do you do?
This has happened before, we shared a meal and just chatted! It was fun and interesting~ ^^
How do you handle conflict (whether it be with others, or situational)?
I really dislike conflict. I try to avoid it if I can. Though, I guess I handle it in an assertive manner. I act politely, respectfully, and state all the facts I know? When that doesn't work and the situation is just getting worse, I get more aggressive.
How do other people tend to describe your personality?
The sweetest person EVER, until I get pissed off enough. "you're always nice until then, one day, youre just not. " ::laugh:: thats what
asako_michiru says XD;
Who is your favorite Saiyuki character and why? mmm, probably Hakkai. His personality has just always been attractive to me.
Your least favorite Saiyuki character and why? I... dislike characters, but its hard to pin-point a least favorite. However- I do find Lirin really annoying :x?
Favorite pairing and why? mmm Gojyo/Hakkai. I like Gojyo being the more "aggressive" one? I guess?
Anything else? mm, I wasn't sure if the fact that I like.. or feel like I should take care of everyone (before me) is a good or bad characteristic of me. Im just motherly?
Please include a picture or description of what you look like.
....LOL XD;;