Do you WANT to die?

Feb 18, 2005 23:11

Age: 22
Likes:Anime,art,reading,chatting with my best friend online,singing,animals,music
Dislikes:my stupid job,men who treat women like slaves,my family thinking im there Cinderella, baboons,chickens,computers that don't work right
Strengths:im a good listener and im very kind.Im alose very protective and loyal to my friends
Weaknesses:I don't think very highly of myself. low self esteem
Pet Peeves: Disorganization

Hobbies: drawing,I also sing and write a bit too.chatting on AIM,playing Guitar and Keyboard
Talents:Singin and im an artist,playing Guitar and Keyboard
Favorite Color:Blue
Favorite Food: Pocky
Mature or Immature? bit of both really
Leader or Follower? follower but I can be a leader if the time calls for it

Favorite Gensomaden Saiyuki Character [why?]: Hakkai because he's so kind and genuinely seems to care for his comapnions. Hes also very handsome an mysterious. His character is very deep.
Least Gensomaden Saiyuki Character [why?]:Ni Jenyi (however ya spell it) cause hes friggin creepy
Favorite Gensomaden Saiyuki pairing [why?]:Kougaiji and Yaone because they are made for eachotehr
least favorite Gensomaden Saiyuki pairing [why?]:Ni and Kougaiji duh soo nasty

lol sorry only have one pic,...

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