Do you WANT to die?

Feb 07, 2005 22:30

XD;;;; No.... I don't.. ^^; Lemme at least post my survey...then you may kill me after I get rated.. ^^;;

Name: Sarah
Nickname: Sarah-chan
Age: 16
Birthdate: September 10, 1988
Likes: SAIYUKI!(Duh..XD), Anime, Manga, Video Games, Most Genres of Music Shounen-Ai, Cats, Plushies
Dislikes: School, stalkers(like sexual predators and stuff), George W. Bush, jerks, being sick
Strengths: I am willing to help people out and do whatever I can for them. I also love to make new friends. Come IM me sometime! ;)
Weaknesses: While I can watch the most goriest(is that how you spell it?) stuff on TV, I just can't see it in real life.. ^^;; Also, I can be very lazy at times and I tend to be nice to people I shouldn't be nice to(in other words, I am a door mat.. ^^; ).
Pet Peeves: Too many people talking at once when I'm trying to concentrate, trying to sleep when you hear the sound of the clock ticking(and it's all you hear)

Hobbies: Making Avatars, RPing with my buds online, Drawing, Writing, Reading, Singing, Talking about Saiyuki..
Talents: I've been into art for quite a few years, and my mom, friends, and even teachers say that I draw really well.(^^;; ), and I am known to have a good voice when I sing(even my Art Teacher today said that I have a good singing voice.. oO; )
Favorite Color: PINK!!! X3 Blue, Green, Purple
Favorite Food: Sweets... X3 and Chicken... XD
Mature or Immature?: I am Mature most of the time. ^^;;
Leader or Follower?: I'm a bit of both, actually.. ^^;;

Favorite Gensomaden Saiyuki Character [why?]: Oh dear... ^^;;; I actually like most of them...but I guess if I had to narrow it down to one... it would to have be Sha Gojyo. And it's not just because he has a pretty face.(lol). There are some ways in which I can relate to him. I know it may sound weird, but I believe it to be quite true. Oh, and Kudos to Chin Iisou/Yisou for being my fave Saiyuki villian. X3 (please don't hurt me, Hakkai fans.. T___T)
Least Gensomaden Saiyuki Character [why?]: Ok... I admit.. I hate Rikudo... NOT Shuuei. ...Yes, I know that Shuuei and Rikudo are one in the same, but I just really hate Rikudo...probably because of what he did to Sanzo in volume 2-3(manga) and episode 6(anime). Shuuei... I like...Rikudo....I'm glad that Sanzo killed him in the end(though it means he killed Shuuei...but...he had to... T___T)
Favorite Gensomaden Saiyuki pairing [why?]: While I like MOST of the yaoi pairings, I will have to say that my most fave pairing will have to be... Gonou/Kanan.(Bet you didn't see that coming...X3). Why? They make just the world's cutest pairing in Saiyuki that isn't guy/guy(of course...Kougaiji/Yaone stand in a close second). But that's my opinion
least favorite Gensomaden Saiyuki pairing [why?]: .... I don't really have any... .___.;

Ermm...these aren't very recent...these are quite sorry.. ^^;;;

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