Here's the last two profile translations from the profiles
veronicaode scanned!
Birthday: Unknown
Blood type: Unknown
Place of Origin: A native of the western continent
Height: At the very least, more than 2m
Hobbies: Nothing in particular. It may be an improper expression, but human observation?
Special Talents: Skill in shooting. Limitless physical strength. Expressionless.
Concerns/Things he dwells on: Staying silent and not speaking. Bandanna
Family Structure: Father died in battle. Mother died in childbirth. His clan's chief served as his parent.
Favorite "type" of the opposite gender: Affection is different, but he is attracted to bewitching beauty as something contradictory to himself.
Birthday: 1/2
Blood type: AB
Place of Origin: A native of the western continent
Height: About 175cm
Age (as of 2007): 20
Hobbies: Looking in the mirror (....) Bullying (teasing) people.
Favorite foods and drinks: Food without alcohol (somehow he's angry)
Hated food: Coarse foods (he really is angry)
Special Talents: The ability to manipulate souls and revive the dead. Self-praise. Bullying a young wife.
Concerns/Things he dwells on: Western dialect. His gloves. The shape of his eyebrows. A hairstyle and hat that won't be disheveled when he moves.
Family Structure: Bereft of parents. The father (master) who raised him is also dead.
Occupation & Position: Assistant Bishop of the True Church of the West. (in reality he's already abdicated), Also youkai exterminator.
Favorite "type" of the opposite gender: Handsome wise and dignified types. He'll pass on those who don't have a sense of humor.