Happy Thanksgiving!

Nov 22, 2012 21:00

Thanksgiving is a day set aside every year in which people express their gratitude for various things.  In actuality, we should be grateful each and every day.  It might be hard to show thanks for everything we have because we have so much, but not a day should go by without being thankful for something.  My list is incomplete (I know I'm going to forget someone or something), but here's my attempt to reflect on the things that I am thankful to have in my life.

1. Jesus Christ and the Salvation that he freely gives
2. My family: Dad, Mom, and my brother; I am truly blessed by their unconditional love and support
3. My country: I am proud to be a citizen of the United States
4. My life: Life can end in an instant, and one never knows how much time they will have on Earth
5. The ability to dance and share my passion for dance with others
6. My dance family: The person I am has been shaped by these people, and I have been forever changed for the better
7. My extended family: Grampa, uncles and aunties, cousins, and hanai relatives
8. My friends: From elementary school, middle school, high school, college, work, and social media
9. My education: It is a privilege to be able to go to school and learn
10. My job: I might complain at times, but there are people out there that are jobless and want to work
11. My health: Other than the occasional dance injury, I am not limited by health issues that prevent me from living happily
12. My home: I have a comfortable, welcoming home with far more than just the necessities
13. Food: Not everyone is fortunate enough to have a dinner like tonight's turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, carrots, gravy, and cranberry sauce
14. My church: I can attend a church where God is worshipped and His Word is taught
15. My car: I can drive to where I need to go when I need to go
16. My computer: It helps me to stay connected with those that are afar and be informed about world events
17. Arashi: Ohno Satoshi, Sakurai Sho, Aiba Masaki, Ninomiya Kazunari, and Matsumoto Jun...yes, they get their own number; for the entertainment and happiness they bring to millions of people around the world
18. SMAP: Nakai Masahiro, Kimura Takuya, Inagaki Goro, Kusanagi Tsuyoshi, and Katori Shingo; also for the entertainment and happiness they bring to millions of people around the world
19. My iPod: I can listen to music anytime and anywhere
20. My personal library of books, movies, manga, anime, and J-dramas: I am not limited in what I can read, watch, and listen to
21. The local library: I don't have to buy books in order to read
22. My bag: I can bring things with me
23. My lip gloss: I don't have to suffer from chapped lips
24. Bottled water: I can drink clean water whenever I want
25. Safety pins: They keep my costumes together
26. My flat iron: I can style my hair how I want
27. Hairspray: My hair stays like how I want it to
28. Duct tape: I have found so many uses for it over the years
29. Shirts, dresses, shorts, pants, and socks: I don't have to run naked in the streets
30. Jackets: I get cold really easily
31. Eye drops: My eyes are sensitive and get itchy
32. Shoes and slippers: My feet are always protected from the ground
33. Toothbrushes, toothpaste, floss, and mouthwash: My teeth and gums can be clean and healthy
34. Q-Tips: My ears and computer keys can be cleaned
35. Scissors: I can cut paper, fabric, and so much more
36. Washing machines: I can wear clean clothes, use clean towels, and sleep on clean sheets everyday
37. Febreeze: Bad smells are gone
38. Lotion: My skin won't become dry
39. Trees, plants, and flowers: The scenery is beautiful
40: Good weather: I live in a place that generally has good weather all year round
41. Pictures: I can remember good times and people I love
42. Videos: I can practice choreography and be inspired
43. My phone: I can stay connected to family and friends
44. Napkins: I don't like having food on my face
45. USB drives: I can transport and transfer pictures, videos, and other information
46. An e-mail I received last night with good news
47. The M&Ms I ate after dinner
48. The chair I'm sitting in
49. The text messages I received from family and friends
50. Every single blessing, happiness, challenge, and difficulty that I have been given


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