Mar 13, 2009 12:29
Last Saturday was the steampunk photo shoot. I was pretty pleased with the results, considering that I am blitheringly unphotogenic and that my costume caused me two hours of agonizing.
As first post, I should probably be talking about something important or introducing myself maybe.
My name is Rachel; I go by Arienette Chandler amongst my steampunk circle. I am a senior at Madison County High in Madison, Alabama, but have spent the past three years of my life in Catholic school. I draw a lot.
I have a scholarship to Memphis College of Art, which is probably where I'll end up next semester. I want to take a double major in Animation and Illustration, but we'll have to see how that works out.
I dabble in all areas of the arts excepting dance. But I will try, for the sake of the revolution.
I'm really interested in alternative subcultures and fashion--if I wasn't an artist, I'd want to be an urban anthropologist.
I'm an INFP personality type.
I read a helluva lot.
I used to be really into anime and manga, which is still reflected in my art, but as I've grown older my obsession has died off a bit, and I can't say I'm entirely pleased to be free of the scene but it certainly has left me with more pocket money. Manga is an expensive habit to feed.
In other news, my best friend has been home all week. She's leaving on Sunday, but I'm getting to spend the night with her tonight and we are going to COOK and SEW and wear APRONS ohman it's going to be so much fun. All we need are some chauvinist pig husbands.
Next week is my spring break.