(no subject)

Apr 28, 2011 01:14

I... should be saying something about Sarah Jane. But the words aren't coming. There will be fic, probably, eventually, but, er, don't hold your breath?

Meanwhile, I'm gonna give you my random and unsorted thoughts on the Impossible Astronaut. (Which overall, I liked - may or may not be apparent from the below.)

"I wanted to get married."
"Is that a crime?"
If he's serious... well, there are probably other reasons it might be a crime, 60s American political climate isn't exactly my forte, but I can imagine if an FBI agent of the time fell in love with a Russian, the government wouldn't be too happy, BUT my first thought was "Is he gay?"

Apparently someone else was, though. "Two of them fancied me." XDDDDDDDDD

Dare I hope for the return of the Gay Agenda? Dare I?

So, mostly I like how this season's starting - I mean, rewriting centuries of Earth history with the Silence in the background? All the conspiracy theorists are out there having a field day, right now, I'm sure of it. And they're the perfect species to use for it because no matter what you see the Silence do, you won't remember it afterwards, and I wonder whether that's an effect they have on every species (the Doctor hasn't seen one yet, but how do we know he's never seen one offscreen and then forgotten it? *shiver*) or just on certain ones. Ooh, no, wait, can't be every species, because Rosanna said, "Through some we saw Silence." How else can you see silence? Also whether it's a natural characteristic of their species somehow, like the Angels' quantumlock, or whether it's some sort of conditioning they implant into the life-forms whose planets they take over - or, wait, make that the dominant life-forms, since it just occurred to me... you know all those times when you see your cats staring at nothing? And they're just staring at nothing, but they seem so focussed that you're sure it's like there's something there...

Every one of those times, it was a Silent. You've just forgotten it.

I don't think I'm gonna sleep tonight.

So, um... it was fairly obvious that Future!Doctor was Future!Doctor and we were going to get a more current version back, but I'm not convinced Future!Doctor is dead for good either. For one thing, it'd mean no one could take over the role whenever Matt leaves, which they're not stupid enough to do, and two, well... the Master's body was burned too, and he still came back.

Plus, I have a problem with the idea that when his final death comes about - which he really seems to believe this is ("I thought I'd never get done saving you." *snuggles poor Eleven*), that his choice of people to spend his last day with is going to be determined by having to cooperate with a stable time loop rather than actually being able to make the choice for himself. And honestly, out of all time and space, everyone from Ian and Barbara to Martha, Mickey and Wilf to call on, plus whoever Amy and Rory's successors are going to be, and he just goes for River, Crowley, and a couple he dumped two centuries ago?

I love the Viking funeral, though. There was something just perfect about it.

I always thought there was something weird about the way River said, "We've been recruited" in the trailer, something oddly unsure about it - NOW it makes sense, because she is unsure, and scared, and grieving, and kinda mad at him. Although slapping him for things he hasn't even done yet is mean.

I like that it's Rory he asks whether everyone's mad at him. And Rory's too awkward about it all to answer. *hugs Rory*

Opening sequence with him waving at them throughout history was so much fun! XD

Pseudo-TARDIS from the Lodger again... I wonder what the Silence need with a time engine.

People need to stop looking AWAY before reporting back! If Rory had said, "Um, there's something out there, I'm looking at it RIGHT NOW," instead of turning AROUND to tell River, they might have actually got somewhere!

Mark Sheppard is awesome, as expected.

Sascha thinks the Silence are the scariest DW monsters ever. They haven't matched the Midnight Entity for me yet, but they are exceedingly creepy.

How the hell is River so much better at TARDIS-flying than the Doctor?! It was bad enough in the Angel eps, but it just bugs me more every time she does it. And then pretending she didn't do anything just to settle his ego, gaaargh, NO! Don't put little sexist bits in your writing of River, Moffat, implying that this shit still goes on in the 51st century is just depressing and that's not what you want to do with the show, is it???? ...no, didn't think so. So don't.

River herself is in awesome mode for most of the episode, though, so that's okay. And it does make for the awesome "Have you got my scanner working yet?" moment, and his beautiful smugness at being that one step ahead of her when she thought she had the advantage, ha.

"One day I'll look into that man's eyes, and he won't have the faintest idea who I am. And I think it's going to kill me."
I love the backward foreshadowing here, and it puts her attitude in SitL into better perspective for me - she's acting like it can't possibly be his first time not because it hadn't occurred to her that he must have had one, but because the thought's been torturing her for years and she's desperate for it not to be true. And apparently the 'travelling mostly backward' is a standard thing for her and it's not that she's just jumping all over the place and happened to hit his first three times in backward-sequence, so she's also expecting it to be the last time... (Okay, it's really not good that this is giving me ficbunnies for my OTP in a completely different fandom, is it? I'm sure it's not.)

And, er, I guess what Amy wanted to say in Space was that she wanted to go home? Probably to protect her baby, and for some reason she didn't want to tell him that at the time.

The Doctor refusing to follow directions until the others tell him what they're hiding was brilliant - and his challenge to River to tell him who she is before he'd trust her was... interesting. He is the one person you'd think would understand her position on that, isn't he, but no.
"Swear to me, on something that really matters."
"Fish custard." XDD (Oh, yeah, I suppose everyone saw him on Graham Norton, where they finally got him to actually try some instead of faking it? Ha.)

I want fish custard now. Dammit. I haven't got any custard. Or, I think, any fish fingers.

And finally, I forgot until I watched that bit in the TARDIS how much I love the way Eleven moves.
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