...two "being-chased" nightmares in as many nights. First night I don't remember much of, just running around a lot of staircases and, uh, I don't know what they're called, those rooms with a section of floor around a large gap with a central staircase in it, there must be a word for them... landings? Is that what a landing usually is? Anyway, lots of those and lots of stairs and this random pursuer - I don't know who she was, just that she was human-shaped and female (or at least, woman-shaped), could chase me faster than I could fall (y'know, just in case I felt like taking a chance and jumping off the stairs - which I might even have survived, there was reduced gravity), and had a small dog (chihuahua I think? *twitch*) that could do the same thing.
But last night I remember more of... It was also a Doctor Who dream (with a weird crossover bit at the end), with me as the Tenth Doctor.
And I was being pursued down a dark street at night by Donna Noble. No, I wasn't running away from her for fun, or because I was sick of having her in the TARDIS and trying to ditch her, she'd switched sides on me and was working for the Big Bad. And no, I don't know who the Big Bad was or how he/she/it/they got Donna onside. But they had and she was chasing me, and I was in real danger. So. You know when you're in trouble in a dream and you do something incredibly stupid that should never work to try and get out of it and it does? I did that. I was running one way, crossed the road and ran the other way, and lost her. No way in the Void that should have worked, but it was a dream, so it did.
So. I've lost her, but I'm still not safe yet, she's still looking for me, so I run into this house, and at first I think it's a UNIT base and that I'm actually safe now, because the Brigadier's there. So I talk to him for a bit (can't remember what we say, though), but then he's gone, and Francine Jones is there instead, and I realise it's her house and not a UNIT base at all, and I'm surprised when she offers me hospitality because, well, everyone who knows what I'm talking about knows that Francine and the Doctor DO NOT GET ON. It's a mother thing, I think. Gods help him if he ever has to answer to Jack's mother... *shudder*
Anyway. Francine offers me food, a bed... I'm sure there was a third thing but I don't remember... I only accept the bed, and only for a few hours, because I'm absolutely exhausted now (and now that I'm writing this up, I'm wondering why I couldn't just go back to the TARDIS, but that question never came up in the dream) but I don't want to lead the enemy to Martha's family if I can help it. Probably should have accepted food because I can guess from the way I feel and the way she looks at me that I not only look like absolute shit but am even skinnier than Ten usually is (if that's even possible). But I didn't. Just the bed. And I shouldn't have even taken that, because...
Dreamskip here. I'm in a bed - set up like MY actual bed, I think I might have come close to waking at that point cos I knew something bad was coming, but it was meant to be... probably Leo's. She wouldn't give me Martha's, that'd imply things that... yeah. No. No going to that place. Anyway I wake up in (probably Leo's) bed to hear two people moving around outside - one of them's Francine, the other I'm getting a really, really bad feeling from, like she's not only the enemy, but wrong (not in the way Jack is, this is something else but... gah). And Francine sends the other person in and for a moment I can't move, I'm frozen with fear and that wrongness, and then I sit up just in time to block a weapon-strike. Can't quite describe the weapon - some odd kind of serrated blade, might have been part of her armour, but the girl herself... She's wearing black/grey Spartan armour but she's lost her helmet and her hair's dark and all straggly and her eyes are very blue and very lost and I don't think she has any idea why she's doing what she's doing. And I know, in that way you just know things in dreams, that this is Tex (from Red vs Blue, this is the crossover bit) and thinking about it now I feel a little bit sick at the thought of someone doing to her whatever's been done (especially when something that could actually break her is impossible to imagine), but I didn't have more than a moment to feel sorry for her at the time because I had to try to hold her off... and this is where it's get annoying because I'm sure something important happened while we were struggling and maybe we even spoke but I can't remember any of it from there until I woke up in my own bed.
And I hate leaving it there. I HATE leaving it there with Tex hurt and Francine in danger and the Big Bad still around hurting people... and not knowing if I would have escaped usually doesn't bother me either, because I'm awake and the dream's over, but there was so much built up here, so much at stake that this time it does bother me, a lot because it doesn't feel like just a dream, there was so much IN it...
And of all the companions, did Donna have to be the one to show up in my dreams...?