Because you can never want too much stuff.
EightNineTenElevenTwelveThirteen FourteenFifteen Eight and nine are just me wishing. Ten I'm going to buy myself as soon as I get my credit card back (someone was using it to gamble on internet gambling sites. yay for us. -.-). Eleven I'll just hope my parents will buy for me, twelve is expired, and thirteen.. well, we'll just see.
Now, I'm supposed to be writing a Sociology essay. Woohoo.
**Just wanted to clear something up.. this is not what I want for my birthday. o_o This is my wish list, as in things I want to one day have and things I will save my money for. If you buy me anything off this part of the list, I will think you're insane and look at you weird. >.>**