I have been a bit under the weather, really sorry it's taken me so long to post. I will tell the truth -- my brain has been in fgoofy mode lately and I'm having trouble keeping Raditz in character. Although considering how much we know of him, maybe he DOES these goofy things I think of.
Anyway, on to the meat. Not quite up to par, but I'm not quite sure what I want to do here, and I'm sorely missing the Vegeta factor. I don't think I know many RPers, but I'll pimp the comm on my LJ. And while you're reading this, be magnanimous. I suck today.
He knew they were out there. To be more exact, he knew someone was out there. He silently cursed himself for relying on the damned scouter for so long. What an insidious device! It had allowed him to find his enemies, while keeping his mind from growing in skill. Surely that had been Freeza's motive all along. Raditz felt a momentary puff of pride recalling the tale that his little brother had finally defeated the tyrant. But what the hell was he standing around here thinking about that crap for? If he was going to get anything done, he needed to refuel.
He looked around. He thought about killing something and then eating it, then remembered that there was a dead man with a possibly stocked kitchen lying at his feet. [a.n.: I'm going absolutely nowhere, aren't I. Yes.] Judging by the ki levels, even if someone was coming to greet him, which was not at all a certainty, he had a couple of hours to himself. [a.n.: So he grabbed the dead guy and swung him around in a beautfiul yet disturbing waltz of rigor mortis! Seriously. I got nothin. I got a yaoi cannon and nowhere to aim.]
After cleaning out what was inadvertently left to him by Dr. Ordet (deceased), he happened to notice the scientist's telescope sitting on the patio facing the southern sky. He looked around to be sure he wasn't being watched, and then put his eye to it.
As one would expect when looking through a telescope during the day, he saw nothing. He had half a mind to turn it toward the sun, but the wise half reminded him it would be a bad idea.
As he took off to find the power signature he felt, he thought he might have to come back by here later and see what it was that this puny human had found so intriguing about the night sky.
Raditz: What the hell was that?
Val: What?
Raditz: I think the goofy shit would have been better.
Val: Like the plot where you're playing poker with dogs?
Raditz: Shut up!
Val: You're just mad cuz you lost.
(Seriously, tho, sorry for that pathetic excuse for a post. Hopefully I'll get more creative next time.)