Title: Kurenai no Jyubaka, volume 2
Circle: Zuihouzakura
Summary: This is the sequel to the doujinshi where Reishin teaches Kouyuu to read, and it's just as cute. There is at least one more volume coming out at Comi-ket. There are some extra characters that we know and love in this volume, so I'd recommend it for those who aren't Reishin and Kouyuu fans as well ^_^. My thoughts are, as always, in the comments.
Notes: As always I have no problem with you using the scans themselves in any which way you please without any credit. Icons, layouts - the more the merrier! However, please do NOT repost/upload the scans to other websites. Please do NOT link directly to the upload links. You're more than welcome to link to this entry if you want to share the doujin with anyone else such as forums etc, but any other form of distribution is seriously frowned upon. One of the reasons why there was a fairly large gap between this doujin upload and the previous one was because I found my scans uploaded and credited to someone else on a popular scan forum and it was strangely upsetting.
Notes, part two: The other reason why this upload is fairly late is because I'm having weird problems zipping the files on my laptop, with CRC errors popping up. Anyone know what these are and how to fix them?
download link 1:
http://download.yousendit.com/1213BE1E1BF53897download link 2:
http://d.turboupload.com/d/1963709/youngkouyuuagain2.zip.html Doujinshi translation link:
http://malnisst.livejournal.com/1823.html?#cutid1 malnisst is made of awesome and is also apparently a mind reader as she translated this particular doujinshi just as I was uploading it. Much love and chocolates should be sent in her direction.