Lisa....How can anyone fear cays? You'd figure a cutie like him would like cats.
So I have my new courses for the Spring semester done:
World Religion
Western Civ.
(not all exactly in that order)
That means I'll be going to school M-F. Every last bloody day =_=;;; damn.
Whilst on break today, mother and I went to a dollar store, and (I wish I bought this!!!) I saw Sting (you know, LotR), only it was packaged differntly than the one I own. Upon closer inspection,I saw that the package read: "Sword of the Kings"!! So cool! I really should have bought it. Maybe next week. My bootleg junk collection shall grow!
Tonight I'm just going to relax until workout time (I'm doing it, even though I'm still stick sick). Maybe I'll get Eowyn some levels on the GBA Two Towers.
[[adit: walked into the same damn wall TWICE. I am so clumsy today ^^;;]]