
May 09, 2013 00:46

No, I don't wear a bra, in fact, I rather enjoy NOT wearing one. Sorry, decided long ago not to be a sheep and put my body through torture just to conform to societal rules, same reason I don't generally wear shoes or shave my legs (okay, so that one's more waste of time then torture, but still).

I'm sorry this fact offends you to the point where you'd rather not be around me. No skin off my nose, I tried to be a friend, but whatever. I'm more sorry over the fact you are so damn easily offended by the sight of someone's covered breasts not being bound up to the point of strangling them when there are so many other things to be offended about in the world.

But hey, one less person I have to bother trying to make an impression on. Me and my bralessness will stay over here, you can stay over there and neither the two shall mix unless forced to by your daughter.

-rant inspired by the 'request' that I wear a bra around my best friend's mother.
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