Good thing about your friend's husband being a First Responder?

May 17, 2011 23:09

You have someone to call when you get a shard of glass in your foot and are bleeding everywhere. Though I wish he'd become a Parametic or something so he can give lidocaine before yanking sharp shit out with forceps (OWWWW, my poor ickle foot still hurts).

Speaking of Willie (the husband in question), we have sold the seats and CD player for my PT cruiser! I smell future monies! (We don't deliver/get paid for the seats until tomorrow, while it's not until July for the CD Player. It may be sad to let it go, but both of us can use the extra cash (the mill put everyone out of work for a week so they're scrambling a bit for the cash until unemployment pays that week).

I'm also going to fire the gardner and just pay Willie the 50$ a month since he'll do a better job and they need the money more. Dennis is an okay guy, but I'm just not happy with his work.

...urg, need to remind myself that I'm not supposed to eat more then two hard boiled eggs a day, stupid sulfer reactions *burps*

random, life, general

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