Jun 27, 2006 12:13
Erm... yes. ::points to subject line of entry::
Good things:
-Found copy of Brothers Karamazov, and even though it is Teh D3d Russianz0rz of Teh 19th Century, it's still pretty cool. Just... I need to finish reading half of it by tomorrow, and I'm barely past the hundred-page mark! Do0md.
-Tech week rehearsals for Old Apologies have begun, and because I am a theater workaholic/masochist, I can't wait for more. I'm opening next Friday, by the way! I'ma post teh details when I remember what they are.
-We have a fridge and his name is Van Helsing and he is prettypretty and now I can indulge in my flagrant disregard for my mild lactose intolerance and buy dairy products. Yay dairy!
-I was able to LoadRev into The Problem of God in Existentialist Literature for my Philo minor, and even though it's a three-hour class that requires the accomplishment of approximately one tedious, expensive, and hard-to-find novel a week, it's pretty cool. Thus far. DAMN long course title though. How to call it? ProbGod? Pexlit? PoGiEL? Yis! I am taking a PoGiEL class! Sounds new-agey, yes?
-I'ma (try to!!!) quit smoking and exercise more. For my voice. Because I was once a coloratura soprano, goddammit. A fucking COLORATURA.
-I'ma (try to!!!) WRITE MORE. Because I fail at life and have accomplished nothing in my old age.
Bad things:
-I HAVE MY PERIOD AND IT IS PAIN. I am dizzy and crampy and poopy and weak, and the universe sucks. And I shall name my unfertilized ovum Sascha. Byebye Sascha! Byebye!
-Gorby peed on me this morning. ON ME. Not on any of my stuff, but on ME. IN MY BED. While I was ASLEEP. Rude awakening much? Damn horny cat. Ah well. Forgive. Feline incontinence is tragic, yet funny.
-I just committed my first cut of the semester. I cut both my history and my theology classes. Because of teh Pain and teh Gorbypiss and teh fatigue and barfy-ness. But it still feels weird and bad.
-I came across a striking amount of money over the past month (methinks my tuition got misdirected) and now there is very little of said money left, and I am demoralized by my own wastrel spending habits.
-Sko0l. Istres. Tesis. Gudlak. ::bugshk::
/end of list
And now I need to pee. I want to NOT have my period. Tell me God, how do I do this??? Why didn't you make me a boy? I'm butch enough to be one!
This year will be the year of Reckoning With My Religious Beliefs (or lack thereof). Damn you Philosophy of Religion, Problem of God in Existentialist Literature, and Introduction to the Catholic Social Vision! Damn you for making me think about my Issues with Catholicism and my Bullheaded Agnosticism! I just hope I don't fall back into Missionary Mode like I did back in late grade school/early high school...
I miss fandom. And DSL. And sunlight. And ventilation. And now, despite the roaring pain in my abdomen, the dizziness, the nausea and the weakness, I shall brave the commute from Katipunan to Kamuning. For the Great Justice and Mother Russia! rehearsals at Koine!