Here is a photo of the Prison Cell that the philosopher Socrates was held in!! From this spot you can also get a view of the Acropolis. ( Photo of Socrates Prison Cell )
Nah, I accidently stumbled upon the prison cell so there was no tour guide or anything like that. But I was able to smuggle out a piece of pottery or terra cotta that was in the dirt in front of the prison cell! Shhhhhhh, don't tell anyone.
For reals, I smuggled out a very small piece of white marble from a top the Acropylis, cuz there is tons of marble debris laying around from centurys of erosion. Then at the Prison cell, there was a small piece of terra cotta material that I picked up and looked at. There are no designs on it or anything like that. The terra cotta is prolly just a piece from the old terra cotta fired roofing tile that was on top and in front of Socrates Cell.
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