I thought this was really inspirational and felt it was worth sharing.
A response to MountainWings issue, "The Gifts"
http://www.mountainwings.com/past/1293.htm I have just read MountainWings issue #1293 and wanted to let
ya'll know about "Our Angel." We call her "Our Angel" because
we don't know who she is.
My children and I had a dental appointment with Dr. Hilliard
here in Abilene one day in 1997 and when I was paying the bill
his receptionist was telling me all the work that needed to be
done on our teeth.
Mine totaled up to over $500.00 and being a single parent, that
was COMPLETLY out of the question. She was telling me that I
could do it "little by little" and I was letting her know that
there wasn't enough "little by little" in the world to justify
me spending $500.00 on MY mouth.
There were things that my children needed done and I would get
those done, but that the work on my mouth simply would not be
done. She understood and we left.
Later that day, she called me at work and told me that they had
an anonymous donor that wanted to pay the bill to have the work
done on my teeth. I thought she was kidding or that the doctor
was just going to do the work free, and that he did not want me
to feel bad so they were going to pretend like someone was going
to pay for it.
When it was obvious that neither of those were true, I figured
the doctor must have somehow figured out who my parents were and
called them.
I guess it took less of a miracle in my mind for him to figure
out who they were, even though he did not know them and that was
the first time we had ever been to see him, than for a total
stranger to be willing to pay my dental bill.
I called my Mom and of course, she knew nothing about it.
After call after call to the receptionist to make sure she
wasn't kidding, she finally told me that there was a lady in the
waiting room when I was paying out that had overheard our
conversation and had told her that she wanted to cover the
cost to have my teeth work done, but she did not want me to know
who she was.
There is NO WAY to explain how shocked I was!!!!
Needless to say, I got the work done that I needed and she paid
the bill. Then a little while before Christmas that year, the
receptionist called me at work again and told me they had
something for me that I needed to pick up.....I went down there
and there was an envelope from "Our Angel" with a check from
one of the local churches for $300.00 in it to help us with
She had given it to the church for them to write the check so
her identity would still remain unknown.
It turns out she was a Christian lady that had also been a
single mom. Once again......I simply could not believe
It and still can't really. There is no way she will ever know
how many times she still crosses my mind and how many prayers I
have prayed for the Lord to send her a special blessing and if
He can....to someway let her know it is from us through Him.
There is a special place in our hearts that is her's and her's
alone and there always will be.
The doctor told me one day that I had been in the same room with
her about 6 months earlier and was surprised to find out that I
still did not know her identity.
The first thing that came to my mind was that I hope I wasn't
having a bad day that day. When I told the receptionist that,
she said she didn't figure I had acted bad (but then she doesn't
know how bad I can act when things aren't going my way).
That just goes to show you that you never can tell when you are
"entertaining angels" and you sure wouldn't want to be showing
your "less than loveable side" at the time.
On top of all this a couple of months ago, I was going through
some mail that had piled up and found an envelope with no
address and no return address on it. It had a type written
message taped to the front of the envelope saying that the
sender had been watching our family....that we did not know it
because they kept it quiet but that they felt we were having
hard times and didn't know where to turn and that we should turn
to God because He is the only one that will never leave us.
Also, that they didn't know what the trouble was but that they
felt God had sent them to help and maybe this would help some.
I opened the envelope and there were five $20.00 bills in it!!!!
I started shaking and crying and immediately called my Mom.
She was leaving the next Wednesday to have tests done at M.D.
Anderson Cancer Center to find out if she had Mycosis
Fungoides or not.
The kids and I needed that money very, very badly and I told her
that if God would work Miracles like that $100.00 at a time when
I was at my wits end, then He would surely work miracles with
her health too!!!!
I have no way of knowing for sure who put the envelope in our
mailbox and no way of knowing for sure when it came....but I do
know FOR SURE that it was an "Angel" and that God had me find it
at just the right time.
And GUESS WHAT.......my Mom DOES NOT have Mycosis Fungoides!!!
Well, I just wanted to let ya'll know about "Our Angel".
God knows her name and one of these days I will see her in
Heaven and I will know her too.
Remember, God loves us very, very much and...if we will let Him
He is always in control, even if we don't think so at the time.
Thank you for writing MountainWings!
It is always such a blessing to me!!
God Bless you all!!!
~A MountainWings Original by Sue Magee, Abilene, Texas~
(Heb 13:2) Be not forgetful to entertain strangers:
for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.