Beyond Masculinity: Essays by Queer Men on Gender and Politics

Jan 11, 2007 16:30

This came from a list-serve that I am on. I thought I would share. Please feel free to send this to people who might be interested in either contributing or learning more about this.

Greetings -

I thought you might know some people who would be interested in submitting
work for an anthology called "Beyond Masculinity." The editor presented a
wonderful session at Creating Change on "Queer Male Feminism" and from some
of the dialog sparked thoughts for this work.

Here are some details from the website (

Gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer men's gender identities often exist
somewhere outside the traditional categories of "masculine" and "feminine."
Sissies, drag queens, and leather daddies alike play with gender in a way
that cannot be accounted for in traditional understandings of maleness.
This collection -- part blog, part anthology, part audiobook -- aims to
shatter traditional understandings of maleness and point towards a new
understanding of how queerness and gender intersect.

BEYOND MASCULINITY is looking for contributions in four key areas.
Contributors should not feel bound by these categories - they should rather
be seen as potential prompts:

Identity Intersections: How do race, ability, class, and other kinds of
identities and experiences intersect with gender and queerness -- and how
do these intersections complicate our relationship to traditional
understandings of "maleness?"
Feminism, Gender, and Politics: How can feminism inform our understanding
of queer male gender? Can queer men be feminists? How can we use our
queerness as a political tool? What does male privilege look like for queer
Bodies, Desire, and Pleasure: What kinds of male bodies are desired?
Fetishized? Where does sexual desire intersect with queer gender and how
are these politics mapped out on our bodies?
Queer Male Communities: How are our identities produced through our
communities? How do the gender norms and politics of gay/bi/trans/queer
male communities both liberate and constrain us?

We're looking for queer male writers to step up and contribute their
thoughts to this online project. This is not your typical bookstore
anthology. It will be only available online - and it will be completely
free of charge to the public. With its unique implementation of media, this
anthology aims to change the way queer non-fiction is done.


- Tyler

Tyler Richard

I always believed that we would have a fight back. I just knew that we
would fight back. I just didn't know it would be that night.
- Sylvia Rivera
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