Jun 23, 2008 00:36
The girl I was going to hang out with was driving over to my house, and her axle shaft broke and she had to get towed home. We rescheduled our date for Friday.
Today at softball, we had the biggest asshole umpire ever. First, it rained on us really hard and our book got soaked, we couldn't keep score. When there was a discrepancy, the ump yelled at us for not keeping score. In slow-pitch softball.
So the guy established early on that he didn't like us. Then, Curtis got a hit and made it to the base. The ump walked all the way up to the pitcher's mound, yelled "You stepped out of the batter's box; YOU'RE OUT!" and made Curtis walk back to the bench. Walking back, Curtis laughed it off and said to us, "Don't worry, guys, they had to dig real deep into the rulebook to make that one." The ump took that as an insult, walked over to Curtis and pointed his finger right in his face, and said, "You DO NOT talk to me like that," and a lot of really rude stuff. This guy was a little old guy who had an awful superiority complex.
The rest of the game he was just being a douche.
But it was funny.