sometimes, im rad.

Jan 29, 2009 02:04

im home from work, shortly after my birthday has ended. its raining outside. i hear the drops bouncing off of leaves before they puddle on the ground. kind of a neat moment after a pretty good day.
i havent posted much here lately. ive been busy with work and getting ready for the wedding. today it just felt like it was time to post.
new favorite band: black light burns. i had heard of them at least a year ago. likely more. from agent_j . tried to check them out on myspace, but at that moment, either my connection was real crappy, or the music just wasnt loading. they opened for combichrist last friday. i bought their cd that night. fantastic stuff. kind of a sister machine gun meets type o negative late 90s alt rock feel. i liked their cd quite a bit more than the new combi. sad, but i feel that they are really talented musicians and i like their style.
at the show i knew i would be jumping into the pit at some point... in my early days of moshing i was about a buck-sixty. this was, admittedly, 12 years ago. i had fun, i hit people, but i got knocked around plenty. somewhere along the way i figured out that i wasnt really able to enjoy the shows i was attending while trying not to die. so i just stopped moshing.
it may have been while i was in birmingham that i figured out that i really can do both. im not really sure. there was certainly something about a combichrist show that enabled me to jump back in. the music is both simple enough and energetic enough to motivate some concensual violence. maybe its because ive seen then so many times now.
anyway. last friday i hit the pit. im not used to being the big guy in the pit. or even a big guy. people went where i wanted them. im about 240 these days, and while there is some squishy, im a whole lot stronger than i was.
hooray for new experiences that dont suck.

so, birthday. went to work. it sucked. my muscles were tight all morning. likely due to dehydration the night before. my own fault. was just too lazy to get up and get a drink. comics (because it was wednesday) lunch with afrodave and some vegging until bunktime got out of work. bought her birthday present, ate some pfchangs. came home for some icecream, and went back to work.

so here i am now. ready to sign some time away to wow...

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