IRC Log: Liz Meets Mari

Feb 20, 2007 08:49

Liz met Lucas's daughter on Friday, and it was hilarious.  The end.

Blah bippity walking Jesis Harpiod Christ, it's cold.  Again.  It's never going to be spring here.  Ever.  ;_;  Anyway!  Knocking.  Oh god, let her in, she is a popsicle.

* Lucas_Q lets her in! As you do. There is a tiny dark-haired blur in the background. IS IT GHOSTS? No, it's Marilyn. Lucas ushers Liz in.

"Hey.  It's a million degrees below zero."  She sort of squeezes his arm, but doesn't go further than that, because she's not sure what's okay in front of Small Child.  She's not really sure what's okay in front of /any/ small child, let alone one attached to  Thing.

"It is," he agrees, and kisses her cheek.  The door is shut behind her.  "Mari?" A small child is peering at Liz interestedly.  "This is Liz.  Liz, this is Marilyn."

* Liz_ crouches down in front of Marilyn...sticks her hand out. Yes. To shake. Go ahead, five year old. Shake her hand. "Hi, Marilyn. It's really nice to meet you. Should I call you Marilyn or Mari? I like Liz a lot better than Elizabeth." ....yes. Tiny adult.

Marilyn eyes Liz dubiously, and then does in fact shake her hand, very solemnly.  "Mari.  Do you have parrots?"

* Liz_ shakes her head, just as solemnly. "No, I don't have any pets. I like to look at them in the pet store, though. Do /you/ have parrots?" ...hahaha oh no, she's in love.

"You could get little baby ones and keep them there." She points at Liz's earrings.  Marilyn perhaps just arbitrarily decided they make tiny parrots the size of one of her five-year-old pinkies....somewhere.  In her imagination.
"I don't have any, but I want one."

When Liz goes home later, she's going to go to a quiet room and laugh for about an hour straight.  Currently she's keeping it contained.  "You're very right."  She hooks a forefinger in one of her hoops, tugging it gently.  "These would make very nice parrot swings.  If the parrots had very, very little feet.  Maybe even littler than mine."  She does indeed have small feet, because she has small everything.

Lucas is amused.  This is obvious due to his expression.  "Do they make dollhouse parrots?" Marilyn looks from Liz to Lucas and back again, like this: :O!! "I have a friend who is a parrot.  His name is Fadada." Yes.  Fadada.

"That's an extraordinarily nice name."  Of course.  All parrots are named Fadada. this reality.  "I don't know if they make dollhouse parrots, unfortunately.  But if they don't, they should."  She looks over her shoulder at Lucas, eyebrows up.  "Maybe your dad should write a letter to someone."

"To Jesus?" Marilyn looks very interested. "I don't know who's in charge of parrots." Lucas clears his throat.  "Jesus /and/ Buddha, Mari." Mari has no idea who Buddha is, but he sounds important.

Liz raises her brows again, but thankfully can make SOME distinction between child and adult and as such doesn't say anything about Judaism.  "More than one letter is probably a good idea.  Just in case."  By the way, she will completely sit down and write these letters with Mari.

"How many letters?" Numbers, Liz! Marilyn wants numbers! Lucas, however, will briefly interrupt the bonding, which he finds awesome, by the way.  "Do you want something to drink, Liz?"

"Sure."  Aaah, standing up, difficult when one has been in crouch-position and also did like...physical things today.  Being a cheerleader is hard!  "Coffee?"  She squeezes his hand a little too, because it's nice.   
Back to Mari.  "Well...we need to write one to Jesus, and one to Buddha...and maybe one to Krishna too.  And...uh...Moses."  What, he's a good representative of Judaism.  "Four."

Lucas disappears into the kitchen to get coffee! Hooray.  Marilyn sits down on the sofa, legs dangling because she is tiny and five.  "Who are they? Jesus is in the Bible, which is famous."

O_O  Aaah oh my god.  Okay.  Explaining this to a five year old.  "Krishna was a prince, basically.  He was very important."  There, that's...simplified.  She sits in the chair across from Mari, where her feet do not dangle, but...they aren't far off.  "And Moses  Well, he's in the bible too.  A long time before Jesus though."

"Did he have a thorny hat, too?" Marilyn doesn't like the thorny hat!! It looks hurty.  She displays this by poking her forehead.  Pokepokepoke, and then giggling, for some reason.  "Is he related to Jesus?"

"Nnnnoo.  He had a stick that could turn into a snake, though.  And he--might be, I'm not sure."  If you're Christian, then yes he is.  Liz is not Christian.

"Ew!!!" Snakes are icky!! :< ...Marilyn has never actually been close to one, but popular opinion is that they are slimy! And she only likes slimy things when it's...uh, mud.  What, five year olds don't need logic.  "I wonder if he brings him baklava.  Like mommy does for her uncle."

Yes!  Subject change!  ...of mommy.  Haha.  "I hope so.  Baklava's really good.  That's a nice thing for your mom to do."  Lucaaaas.  >_>

* Lucas_Q brings coffee! He is a hero. "Mari, did you know Liz is going to be a cheerleader?" :O!!! goes Mari. Cheerleaders are awesome, apparently, judging by her reaction. Mari is one of those little girls who likes anything as long as it's feminine, though --
for example, 'actress' is approximately 13663.5 times cooler than 'actor', even though they're really the same thing.

* Liz_ is not blushing, because she doesn't do that, at all. Ever. "It's not a definite thing yet. But your dad was really nice and supportive of me today." That's slightly more for Lucas's benefit than Mari's. Also, coffee! It is delishus.

"Do you get to wear a skirt? What color is it?" Mari likes questions! As many as possible.  Lucas sits down next to her and ruffles his daughter's hair absently.  "I thought you did really well, Liz." Not that...he knows anything about cheerleading, but hey.

"I did okay."  She does not, in front of his daughter, say anything about shaking her ass, but she will later.  "You're sweet."  Mari is also, and thusly gets, "Yes.  It's black and yellow, I think.  Our school is the Killer Bees.  Do you know how to do a cartwheel, Mari?"

"No." She is actually not entirely clear on what that entails, just that it involves acrobatics of some kind.  "Do /you/?"

"Nope.  But my friends could teach me.  Maybe if I get good at it I can show you and we can do cartwheels for your dad."  >_> What do you think of that, Lucas.

"Yeah!!" Marilyn APPROVES.  Lucas...eyeshifts.  "I have a pretty big backyard," he contributes, although it is of course full of that strange frozen water that appears every so often in February.

* Liz_ craaacks up. Finally. She cannot hold it in anymore. "We can do that then. I can do a somersault, how about that?" Short skirt, what.

"I...don't think I can," Lucas gravely informs her, "So I'll watch you two., be supportive." He nods seriously.

"Your living room is a little less intimidating than a gymful of My Friends the Cheerleaders."  The capital letters are audible.  "Okay, Mari, come sit here on the floor."  She slides out of the chair and pats a space on the carpet relatively away from any furniture.  "And tuck your knees up like this, so you're reeeeeeallly small."

* Lucas_Q has a few of her friends in class. He knows what they're like. Plus you can hear them coming down the halls, and he's seen Mathilda and Mori surreptitiously grope each other in the halls. He stays seated, while Marilyn follows Liz to the space and obediently tucks her knees up. "Like a armydillo?"

For a...given value of surreptitious.  "Yes, just like that.  Okay, now...we have to put our heads down so we don't hurt them, 'cause we're just gonna roooollll right over."  She does this!  And then...hey, she somersaults.  Pretty neatly, too.

Marilyn gives a somewhat...well, wobbily and inept somersault.  She's five, okay.

* Liz_ claps for her, once all the blood has gone out of her head. "That was really good! Cartwheels are gonna be easy for you. We just have to practice." She looks at Lucas from under her hair, which is attacking her face. "A lot."

* Lucas_Q eyes her sidelong and looks over at the wall. "Mari, are you getting tired?" Mari makes approximately this face: B|!!! and says "NO. I wanna stay up with Liz!!"

...the wall, eh.  "Mari, do you want me to read you something, maybe?"  Not that when she was a child this put her instantly to sleep.

Mari beams.  "Yeah! Read me the moon story."  By which she means "Goodnight Moon," because that is a fucking awesome book, okay.

Goodnight Moon is the best children's book to ever grace this planet, except for The Runaway Bunny and The Velveteen Rabbit.  And Ferdinand.  ...anyway.  "Okay, but I might fall asleep, because I'm a really old lady.  So we might have to be kind of quiet."  ...yes, Liz, you're fucking ancient.

Mari crosses her finger over her lips an impression of 'zipping them' and nods solemnly.  Lucas looks amused, as he tends to.

Liz looks a little sidelong at him, which is a vague indication of 'this child is going to sleep by the end of this book, so where should that occur, plz' and...also some other less wholesome things.

* Lucas_Q guides them toward Mari's room, which is pale green and little-kiddish and adorable, because the mun says so. Mari crawls into her bed, because she had her PJs on already, and goes :3!!

* Liz_ sits on the edge of the bed and reads, which will not be dialogized, could be, okay. The mun could go ON AND ON about the room and spoon and mush and old lady whispering hush and kittens and red mittens, but uh...let's just cut to "...and goodnight noises everywhere."

Marilyn is ASLEEP like a ROCK or a LOG or something else that is actually inanimate but used in expressions about sleepin' hard.  Lucas quietly exits the room and waits for Liz.  >_>

* Liz_ locates Lucas, wherever he is, and promptly sits on his lap, because she can do that. "She's wonderful."

* Lucas_Q fits his arms around her waist, like you do. "She is." Of course he's going to agree. And also grin a little bit, because he is a good daddy.

* Liz_ would agree with this, sir or madam. "You're really lucky I didn't say anything about Jesus being a theoretical concept used to sedate white America."

"That's true," he says agreeably, "I think he sedates some tan people, too." Liiiiiiiike his ex-wife, but shh, we're not thinking about her right now.

"Oh?  Is having a semantic discussion on pigmentation really what you want to be doing right now?"  No sir, we are not.

* Lucas_Q considers. "No." And then he kisses her neck, because it is nearby and obviously he must do this or ELSE.

OR ELSE uh...the...wheels will fall off.  Goddamn wheels.  Anyway, she scritches the top of his head with her nails, because we all have things we have to do.  "Thank you for coming today."  She was uh...perhaps she is used to people being more annoyed by things like that!

"I wanted to see," he says! "You weren't very into it at first, I noticed."

* Liz_ bumps the top of his head with her chin. "It isn't really my thing. But, uh. I sort of love my friends like, obsessively...and I like the idea of something you could come see." Sometimes she sounds almost shy! It's insane!

"I do, too." He smiles at her! "I'll...sponsor something or another, if you guys need it." Hahah someone has no idea how cheerleading works, here.

"Assuming I actually make the squad, and get over the need to become incredibly pissed off before I can shake my ass.  I don't think Mathilda has time to provoke me before every game."  And it was better because he was there too, but she's already been affectionate in the last five seconds, no reason to overdo it.

"I think you probably will." >_> He may be biased, though. "It's good you have close friends, I think.  Do they know?" Hahah sometimes he is /so/ direct.

"Well, you gave Mori and Math a ride that night.  So Math has kind of known from the beginning.  I have a couple really close girlfriends who know."  She doesn't sound particularly ashamed about this, although she possibly should.  But...they are the storygirls!  And Izzy!  They will not tell!  They love each other!  "If it's reassuring they would lie their little heads off for me."

"That is...strangely reassuring, yes." Of course, at some point, Mathilda, after too many anecdotes from Liz, will start giggling whenever Lucas talks to her, and that might be a minor problem.

* Liz_ will eventually reach the point where she does not feel the need to discuss it. Currently having sex with someone she, uh, /likes/ is a huge novelty and as such needs to be expanded upon. "For instance. I'm staying at Mathilda's tonight. Literally or figuratively, depending on your perogative." Delicately she puts that.

* Lucas_Q looks thoughtful! "I'd like it if you stayed here. Your friends really don't mind covering?" He wants to make sure, y'see.

"If they ever mind they'll tell me.  Trust me.  They'll tell me a /lot/."  This is indisputable fact, sir.  Mathilda will >:|, Donna will >:| >:|, and Elsie will deliver the might uterine punch of disappointment.  "Is it gonna be weird for Mari tomorrow?  I don't really know how people do this with kids."

"I told Mari a friend was coming over.  I don't think she needs to know details." Mostly because there is the possibility that, uh, Mari will repeat too many of those details to, say, Gia.  Who will flip her biscuits, boys and girls.

She laughs and kisses an available corner of his forehead.  "I can only imagine."  Her impression of a serious five year old is pretty credible, which might be kind of disturbing.  "Daddy.  What are you /doing/ to your friend?"

* Lucas_Q eyes her. "You know she'll never leave you alone from now on, right?" That's right, Liz. You may have made Alex storygirl property, but you are now Mari property.

"Well.  Today I spent all my daily minutes not alloted to spazzing about tryouts spazzing about whether or not she'd like me.  So that's okay."  It's...entirely possible Liz gets on with Mari because she can still think like a little kid.  It's also...true that there are less years between Liz and Mari than there are between Liz and Lucas.  Haha...oh dear.

* Lucas_Q will, uh, not think about that. Ever. Kthx. And Liz is 18 soon, which will take of those years! "Sounds like a spazzy day."

That is math we will carefully put away in this box and then put it on a high shelf.  Up here.  Under this chia pet and a broken wire hanger.  Look, it's gone!  "I have those days sometimes.  I suspect you don't, like...ever."  It's a compliment.

"I do. different ways, probably." He does it with knitting, and says he 'needs time to think,' you see, Liz.  "Are you still spazzy about those tryouts?"

Oh, THAT.  He hides it well.  "A little, I think.  This is helping."  The being in his lap, don't you know.  She likes it here.  >_>

* Lucas_Q likes her there. >_> "You did fine. I hope my being there wasn't weird for you, though."

"It was sort of, um.  Like having a baseline?"  She shrugs and loops her arms around his neck.  "I figured...if I could do it in front of you, I could do it in front of anybody."

"Once you were sufficiently enraged?" He grins at her a bit.  Yes, he saw that.  And overheard.

"Yes.  So you should avoid enraging me.  Or I'll shake my ass at you."  She grins back!

"How would I ever recover from that?" Ahaha oh Lucas, you and your deadpan everything.

"I don't know, but from this position you're not likely to find out."  She tries, though, which is basically...wiggling in his lap.  Liz, you minx.

* Lucas_Q tilts his head and sort of goes still at the wiggling. ""
"No."  They're doing that thing again where their conversation eventually becomes a lot less about actually talking.  "Besides, I'm not exactly enraged at the moment."

* Lucas_Q picks her up around the waist again and stands up. "I think you should prove it to me."

" you have suggestions?"  ...they're flirting.  In their...singular way.

"A few." He's heading toward the bedroom! ONOES.  But not the bed.  The...wall.  :O

:O The wall!  WHATEVER FOR.  She mostly hangs around his neck like a limpet and tries not to fall off.  This necessitates locking her legs around his waist.  Yes.  It's a good thing she's so tiny.  "Do tell."

"Oh, I will," he promises, gripping her by the thighs, now.  You know, like you do.  He does have to halfway-release her, though, with one hand, to shut the door behind them.  SHENANIGANS WILL ENSUE.

mari, ooc, lucas, lolita, irc

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