seconds are still dear underwater

Oct 10, 2006 15:28

It's good to know that even though my boyfriend is...30, he's still actually younger than I am somehow.

Did anyone else notice the World's Most Giant Doctor roaming the halls of MAHS today?  And when I say 'world's most giant doctor,' I mean...Dorian (which I guess makes it the world's most giant doctor-nurse).  On the shoulders of his friend Turk, who was very nice and very, very bouncy.  Which as it turned out was not the best idea ever, and I hope Dorian's ass recovers from that nasty spill because it's a really nice ass. >___>

Yeah, uh.  Turk calls Dorian JD, which is...weird, but I accept this.  I will continue to call him Dorian, I like it better.

I also like Turk better than I like Dorian's, uh, brother, who I also met yesterday.  That was just slightly weird, on the grounds that I think he was hitting on me, and also Dorian seems to want to hide in a closet until he goes away.  But he is out now, looking for...something, so Dorian is going to pick me up from school because he is nice. :3

This probably means I should get my butt out of the computer lab.  Sooo I'm gonna do that.

But first, a meme!

Accent - I was born in Kansas and moved to Pennsylvania.  I am the least accented person you will ever meet.

Booze - Not anymore.

Chore - Those are those things I do so Clay and Georgeanna will let me out of the house, right?

Dog/Cat - Possibly I am getting a kitten from Ellie.  Kitty!

Essentials - Cigarettes, eyeliner, Sharpies

Favorite Perfume - Lavender...y things.  Or Clinique's Happy, which is ironically named.

Gold/Silver - Silver please.

Hometown - Kansas City.

Insomnia - Better lately.

Job Title - High School Student, or Research Assistant, if Mr. Ruthven ever comes back.

Kids - I like Adam, Izzy little boy.  It's like having a toy baby.  He's all wiggly and warm and I hold him and then he cries and I give him back to Izzy. :3

Living arrangements - In a lovely little tract home with Clay and Georgeanna Holland (no relation).

Most Admirable Trait - My ability to forgive--wait.  No.  That's wrong.

Number of Countries Visited - This one?  Argh.

Overnight Hospital Stays - One.  I probably should be in the hospital for, you know, my broken ribs.  But this is not to be.

Phobias -  I get twitchy around closed doors.

Quote - Colorless green ideas sleep furiously. (Noam Chomsky)

Religion - Heathen Jew.

Siblings - I had a brother.

Time You Usually Wake up - 7 AM, at which point I punch the snooze alarm into submission until 7:17 and then realize I'm late and then fly out of bed and slap on some eyeliner and eat half a Pop-Tart to the dulcet tones of Georgeanna informing me that 'if you'd just get up earlier we wouldn't have to do this little song and dance every day' and then I go out the door to sneeeeak down the block so Dorian can pick me up on Sasha.  I can't wait to be 18.

Unusual talent - Pyrogeneis er uh I can curl my tongue

Vegetables I Refuse to Eat - Tomatoes.

Worst Habit - Smoking? >___>

X-Rays - I should...probably have one.

Yummy Foods I Make - I make awesome spaghetti.

Zodiac - Aries.  The...ram.  Which is funny, because I originally thought I was a Taurus, and if there's anything more stubborn than a bull, it's a ram. 

dan, world's most giant doctor, turk, dorian

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