[30² Saint Seiya Themes]
Title: "The goddess."
Artist: Sagakure
Pairing/Character: Saga & Kanon (but the character in this pic is Athena... ^^; *lol*)
List: A
Theme: #1 - Goddess.
Warnings: None.
Disclaimer: Sts isn't mine. ;___; I own only my fingers, and they shall go on doing CG until they rot off or something. XD
"And the more she thought about them, the more it became clear to the goddess that no matter how many years went by, she would never be able to be sincerely happy anymore, now that they were dead.
For years, she had watched over them from the shadows, always so careful to conceal from all eyes her preference for the twins of Gemini. And truth be said, she felt guilty for her feelings. Ideally, she should love all of mankind equally, and all of her saints the same way. But it was never a choice. Long before her human vessel for this incarnation was born, the goddess had already set her eyes on the young Saga and Kanon, and nothing in the world could prevent her heart from cherishing them and wanting to protect them more than anyone else.
As the years went by, she did her best to distract the attention of the others and prevent them from finding out about her feelings. She even fought her own heart. She tried staying away from them, focusing on Pegasus instead, and so many more things, but it was to no avail. Her mind would always wander back to the twins.
And now, there was only emptiness left. At least, until the cycle was complete and they were reborn, but it would be too late for that incarnation.
Spring was dead with no summer to come, and icy fingers clawed into her heart.
Maybe it was the price she had to pay for allowing her heart to love them."