I decided not to post this the last day of the festival, but today. Since I've taken a LONG break from drawing, this doujinshi was completed in almost one year (I began it almost one year ago, then took a few monbths break, then resumed working on it and finished it last month.), and yet, it'll take uoi approximately 5 minutes to read it. ç_____ç
I hope you'll like it, anyway! This was my first attempt at an inked doujin, and actually one of the few things I've ever inked at all.
Working Title: "Gethsemane - Sayonara wa Iwanai (never say goodbye)" (Gethsemane: An instance or a place of great suffering)
Fandom: Saint Seiya
Artist: Nemesi
Rating: PG-15
Pages count: 9 files, 10 readying pages. Plus, one Bamboline Blooper. XD
Genre: Angst.
Warnings: Implied slash.
Characters: Gemini Saga + brief cameos by others.
Pairings: *eyebrow hoist* Are you really asking *me*?
Disclaimer: Saint Seiya, its characters, places and themes do not belong to me, no matter how much I may wish. All the characters here portrayed are creations of Masami Kurumada.
Summary: Saga, i suoi pensieri, le sue emozioni, nella Casa della Vergine, dopo che le due Athena Exclamation si scontrano, ed il crollo dello stesso / Saga, his thoughts and emotions in the Virgo Temple, after the Athena Exclamations made it crumble down.
When working on page 6 Bambolina!Saga jus could NOT play by the script. Instead, he played the scene the way he wanted it to happen, and so here comes a Bamboline blooper
Bamboline Blooper)