Icons free for adoption! \^__^/

Sep 08, 2006 22:27

I have so many posts I'm late to comment on..... ._.;;; But I finally managed to update my site again, yay! XD;

Here are five icons I made with my latest Kanon picture. ^_^//
If you like them, feel free to adopt them and give them a loving home! :D♥

Here's how to install:

All you have to do is save the icons on your desktop, then upload on your "manage your userpics" page, and add whatever keywords you want + the credit as follows: "Icon drawn and made by Sagakure, used with permission." :D
Important note: You can only use those icons if you have not a single icon made with fanart used without permission of the artist. If you are using stolen fanart icons, then you can't use mine. (I'm hoping there's no one in the comm wearing stolen-fanart-icons anyway, but just in case someone from outside drops by on this post and decides to grab some icons, I thought it was best to warn first.)

Onto the icons, finally! XD. *lol* There aren't many, sorry.

If you like them, feel free to grab as many as you want! \^__^/
Sorry for it being only one pic and so repetitive... ^^;

¤ icons, ¤ Kanon

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