Thanks to
undertheice, here's chapter 2 of "Saint Seiya - The Hades Myth - The Lost Canvas", that came out in Japan today. ^____^//
You can read it online in our very own gallery for the manga. ^__^/
It's a three pages gallery (with several manga pages in each of course), and you can jump to the next or previous page with the buttons on top right of the page.
You can also find
all previous chapters of Next Dimension and The Lost Canvas in the same gallery, one level above. Enjoy your reading! ^_^/
If I find time I'll translate some of it some day, but sadly at the moment I don't have enough time. ^^;;
So here's a summary of what happens and is said in the chapter:
Dohko senses that Hades is coming soon, and is travelling to search for him. During that, he meets some specters and kills them. He feels a sense of urgency, because the huge cosmos he had been feeling (of Hades) has disappeared as if it had been reborn into a normal person, thus making it harder for them to find him. It also means that there's only some years left before the war. [Note: at this point, both Tenma and his friend are kids. They're orphans who grew up together and have been friends since they were small. Tenma has mixed blood, from some person who came from Japan.]
Seiya Tenma explains that he's been feeling "a weird sensation, as if the universe was inside his body", and that it's what helped him find his friend after the Pandora incident in the last chapter. He's unknowingly discovering the cosmos, and being able to feel when it grows inside him. This part makes canon the explanation of the cosmo thing in my fic Tainted Tears. 8D *lol*
Other kids in the orphanage enter running to warn them that with the rain, the river got messed up and is about to flood the poor neighbourhoods. They should run up the hill into the city, but the people in the city closed the doors to protect themselves from the flood, abandonning the poorer people to whatever fate. Tenma runs outside, promising to his friends that he'll "do whatever he can, and come back".
In his desperate attempts to break the big cluster of rocks and mud (that's blocked the river and caused the flood), so save his friends, Tenma accidentally manages to really use the cosmo, for the first time.
Dohko, who had felt a cosmo "different from that of the specters", and who came to the scene, is amazed that the kid discovered it without training, and sees potential in him, especially since he was selfless and ready to give his life to save his loved ones and the village, getting badly hurt and all without fear despite his young age.
Dohko saves Tenma and asks him if he won't come with him, "put all that ardor to the service of a much greater number, and fight for love and justice to protect the world."
I fangirled so much when it shows them both standing on the cliffside with Dohko saying "become a saint of Athena..."
Afterwards, there are good-byes, and Tenma leaves with Dohko to Sanctuary to train. :D His friend was trying to paint a picture of him before he leaves, but Tenma won't stop moving, and he decides he'll finish the painting when Tenma comes back as a saint, and by then he'll have become a great artist. :D
Dohko looks at him for a moment a bit weird, and we can wonder if he sensed Hades in him, but nope, he just comments on how beautiful his eyes are. (That is also something people would say to Shun in the original series, because of hiw pure his eyes were... which is why Hades chose him, because of that purity. XD).
I can't wait for next thursday. *_____________*