Feb 24, 2006 15:38
time has not been kind to me....ive watched most of my freinds fade away, sometimes i didnt care, but there were some that really hurt alot, im going to fight to start keeping them better.
ive seen my father wither away slowly,and grown apart from my mother with every breath.
ive seen the places that i loved to visit and hunt in, out in the woods and meadows paved over with neighborhoods and schools.
ive lost freinds in time prematurally, one to a car accident, one to a failed parachute, and one to cancer...which is hunting my own father even now.
im so young and yet i feal so old when i hang out with my freinds, i take everything so seriously now, and everythings black and white.
my body hurts every morning when i wake up, either from the physical stress of the gym, jump, or run the day before, or the sixpack from the night before.
and you know what i fucking love every minute of my life,i am probably the luckiest motherfucker on earth. i have the coolest job on earth, and i live with my ultimate fantasy, and wake up next to her every morning.i cannot forget the God that put all this in my lap, no strings attached , just love Him, and even in that i fail......what are you thankful for?