So, the German musical Elisabeth is quite popular in Japan, so popular that since 1996 they still play their own take on it, with an all-female cast.
Now, you people might think I go gaga over everything Japanese, but that is not so. I appreciate their theater and their musicals and everything, but with this one, they have gone and ruined a completely awesome play. For me, at least. I'm writing this, because I saw on YouTube that some people actually think the Japanese version is OMG SO MUCH COOLER. And that just made me go wtf mate, are we looking at the same thing? And then I get the horrible cynical feeling that they're only in it for the LOL ASIANS! factor. And I feel horrible for thinking like that.
Don't get me wrong, I love that the Japanese have taken such an active interest in a musical about a woman who is mostly known only in Europe, but to me, the songs sound completely rubbish in Japanese. And because it's all sung by women, the songs lack the power, that they have in the original. And I think the stage setting looks rubbish and the costumes look rubbish and.. well not rubbish, just so much less cooler than in the German version, and it just puzzles me, how anyone can like the Japanese version better.
Kitsch (JPN) |
Kitsch (GER) Yes, I know the Japanese version is a bit older, but I chose a song that focuses more on the performer, than anything else. Yes, in the
2007 version the setting and costumes do show signs of improvement, but you get my point, some things, can't be done by women alone.
ETA: I shouldn't be as obsessed with this as I am right now. Maybe I'm just trying to prove myself that I'm not only in it for the pretty men.
More comparison:
Epilogue (JPN) |
Epilog (GER)This time both are from the newest version.
I came for the men, but I stayed for the MUSIC and the AWESOME SHOW and the BEAUTY OF IT ALL.