Three little writings, of sorts, drabblery in their nature. All about Shinji Hirako. Because i felt like i needed to write something about him. Or otherwise i would go insane. Feel free to ignore.
The turning of worlds.
His knees hit the ground. Soon he'll need the support of his hands to stop himself from falling over completely. Soon.
Shinji's breathing is shallow and uneven and something that might be sweat or tears or the rain that's slowly starting to drizzle down from the skies is trickling down his face and mixing with the blood in it's way.
For a moment, it could go either way, but then the moment has already passed, Shinji's shudders and nothing happens. Slowly, the darkness in his soul fades, his mind becomes his own again and then the vaizard pulls the hollow's mask from his face.
And nobody slept until morning came.
Shinji can still feel the darkness. Every day, every hour, every minute, every second of his waking. The hollow is still there, an ominous presence lurking at the back of his mind, soul and heart. Always just lurking. Lurking and waiting.
He knows that this was his choice, just like he already knew when making the decision, that he could never undo it. All he could do now was learn to live with the darkness, always on his guard.
But some nights Shinji can feel the hollow right there, under his skin, crawling to get out and on those nights he's afraid to turn off the lights. He's even afraid to close his eyes.
Feels like there's gonna be a riot.
They're standing face to face, their zanpakutou's crossed, thirsty for blood and ready to kill.
"Whose side are you on?"
The question amuses Gin and his sly smile grows wider. Why ask, if you already know the truth? And yet he still answers:
"The side that has the most fun!"
Shinji matches his brother's smile. Why answer when you already know the reaction?
"Me too."
And so it begins.
Yes, the last one is inspired by my crazy idea that Shinji and Gin are brothers. What? They both have creepy smiles!