So, a little after midnight, I suddenly realized I was terribly hungry so I enlisted Kris to come to the nearby gas station with me, to buy food. Got there, bough hot cocoa and a sandwich and some croissants and it was awesome.
Then, however, we realized that it was an absolutely beautiful winter night and decided to take a little detour back to the dorm. Which however turned into my epic quest of I Won't Leave Until I've Seen The Sea, since we live really close to the harbour and constantly see ships from our windows. Which sometime later turned into our quest of How Do We Get Back Because It's Getting Really Cold.
1,5 hours later, we're back at the dorm and luckily for you, Kris had her camera with her, so beautiful pictures were taken!
This is like Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds. Except it's Triinu On A Mountain Of Snow With Lazer Eyes!
(look i'm as tall as a house! :3)