May 25, 2005 13:35
Spanish words for monday, tuesday, and wednesday:
Nochebuena - Christmas Eve (Lit. (The) "Good Night"))
Día de navidad - Christmas Day
Nochevieja - New Year's Eve (lit. "Old Night")
El día de año nuevo - New Year's Day
las vacaciones de Navidad - Christmas Vacation
las Navidades / la Navidad - Yuletide (I'll have to look into this, as this word is clearly a noun, and I thought 'yuletide' was almost always an adjective).
el Día de Reyes - 6th January (the day when presents are traditionally given in Spanish-speaking countries). Lit: The day of Kings.
la Noche de Reyes - Twelfth Night (I'm thinking this would be the, 5th of January, with the 'first night' being Dec. 25)
el Día de los Santos Inocentes 28th December - similar to April Fool's Day (I've never heard of this day before...I'll have to check into this too). Lit: The day of the innocent saints.
adornos de Navidad - Christmas decorations
un ramo de Navidad - a Christmas wreath
el muérdago - mistletoe
el acebo - holly
flor de Navidad - poinsettia
una tarjeta de Navidad/un crismas - a Christmas card
el espumillón - tinsel
un calendario de Adviento - Advent calendar
un pesebre - a crib
la misa del gallo - Midnight Mass (lit. Mass of the Rooster, yep, early)
un villancico - Christmas carol
adorno (Árbol de navidad) bauble (I think they mean ornament).
los Reyes Magos - the Three Kings, the Three Wise Men (Apparently they have names, according to some tradtion: Balthasar, Gaspar, and Melchior).
tomar las uvas - to see the New Year in. (in Spain a grape is eaten for each stroke of the clock at 12pm on December 31st. Each grape is supposed to represent one month of the new year)
un auto de Navidad a nativity play
¡Feliz Navidad! / ¡Felices Pascuas! Happy Christmas
¡Felices fiestas! Season's greetings!
¡Feliz Navidad y Próspero Año Nuevo! Merry Christmas and a Prosperous / Happy New Year!
¿Qué te regalaron para Navidad? What did you get for Christmas? (lit: what did they give to you for christmas (reflexive)
La Navidad está en puertas Christmas is just around the corner (lit. at the doors).
el espíritu navideño the Christmas spirit
Well, that's 30 words if I counted right. Apparently there are a lot of Christmas traditions that I just don't understand yet, and I still don't exactly get the "12 days of Christmas" thing.
Scale of the week: F major (and its minor equivalent D minor). For you music theorists out there, whenever you want to know the minor equivalent of a major scale, just find the 6th note of the major scale, and that is your minor equivalent. E.g. C major has a minor equivalent of A minor, etc.
Also, Fernando (the dude from the Navigators who is also from Colombia) studied John with me again on Monday. We're still in chapter 3 right now, but he gave me some scriptures to memorize this week:
1 John 5:11-12
1 Cor. 10:13
John 16:24
John 5:24
1 John 1:9 - If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness (yay, I knew that one already).
Well, this isn't much of a journal entry I know, but that's because I'm doing more record keeping than anything else (it's my journal after all, I can do what I want). As for what's going on lately, there isn't a lot to report. I've applied for 6 jobs (did it over the weekend) and haven't gotten any calls back. Maybe I'll go back up to that EB and talk to the manager or something one of these days, and maybe I'll just go work with my uncle stocking shelves at King Soopers on the night shift. For the time being, I've been helping a friend finish his basement by hanging drywall, and apparently his dad wants to pay me for it. I haven't contributed much, but I praise God for this blessing.
Oh yeah, I have a bible reading schedule for June (I'm following along with my church). I'll post it some other time, and if you LJ people care to follow along, even for a while, you're welcome to. Have a great summer everyone.