This really came up when trying to post a reply to someone in MySpace who did not speak English... So, I put my brain into "low-gear" to try to respond in their native language (French), only to get hung up on how to write "agaçent" (It was that little hangy down thing on the 'c' so thatyou can turn it into a 'ç'. Turns out that it is the 'opt-c'
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I didn't check to see what really showed up on the LJ page...
Looks like a great big mess... That just SUCKS!!!
I guess that I should find out exactly what knd of encoding they use for their character-set on LiveJournal...
Of course, in making this accidental discovery that they screwed-up my posting... I have learned that there is some strange character like the ê (Watch, it won't come out like the strange capital A with the little 'a' superscripted next to it, but will come out like the 'e' with the carat over it like it was supposed to be (The whole thread is about trying to find the left-slanted accent and the 'c' with the little hanging-down thing on it, and how it caused me to take up several hours of time with what could have been solved by just hitting the alt/opt key and then going through all of the characters...)
Now that I think about it... I wonder what happens if you try to post Japanese... Let's see:
Well... If that comes out as some gobbledy-gook... Then it doesn't work (with this app at least)... If the above comes out as (In Japanese) "I am Matthew Bailey"... Then it does work...
Well... This is just strange... It completely removed the japanese Characters from the posting and gave me an error message about the 'e' with the carat on it... Seems that it just throws out Japanese (if you don't have the proper Languge Application loaded for LJ), but chokes to death on Unicode or ASCII characters that are not in the proper UTF-8 encoding (answered the question about which encoding they use...). WTF did they chose UTF-8 for... I will have to go ask someone who can answer that more thoroughly... In the meantime... I need to google it for answers
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