Jul 02, 2007 21:02
I figured as my first post in six months that I should do something topical and relevant to the times.
Today, I watched with glee, this morning, the return of the appelate judge that Scooter Libby was to report to jail later today...
I thought:
"Great! The bastard deserves it. It isn't the Shrub who is getting his due, but it is one of his 'minions'."
Then, I went to sleep...
I awoke, to discover that no more than an hour after Libby had been told to report to jail, the Shrub had commuted his sentence (The jail time only)
I then had a revelation:
In 1972, the USA was at war in a country far away with an enemy who would not stand and fight, an enemy who was not playng by the rules, an enemy who (incorrectly) was identified with absolute evil. The price of gasoline was rising to astronomical levels (1972 was the beginning of the fuel crisis of the 70s. Gasoline went from costing a few cents a gallon to being ¢25 a gallon or more, topping at just under a dollar by 1976... and in some places over one dollar)
Our country was in the hands of a power-mad criminal, who was concerned with nothing more than securing his power and donimation over the world... Only at the time we did not realize how deeply disturbed Nixon was. That leader used his power to influence the outcome of our legal system to avoid confronting issues that he had been trying to cover-up...
History is doomed to repeat itself until man learns the lessons of that history...
I shall be interested greatly in seeing how this all turns out.
* I should point out that Nixon did not pardon Agnew, Agnew was convicted of doing many of the things that the Shrub had done in TX to jerrymander the congressional districts, as well as recieving bribes and other such illegalities. Agnew agreed to resign as Nixon's VP, with the agreement that he would plea guilty to the charges against him, and as such would recieve no harsh penalty for those charges.
It was Nixon who was pardoned by Ford after his presidency due to Nixon's participation in a cover-up, which IS similar to the Scooter Libby issue.. the Shrub is probably also involved in the cover-up that Libby is involved in (Libby was convictd of lying to a court about the Valery Plame outing... Someone knows what happend and who outed her (Libby definitely, Cheny and Bush Probably), and Libby lied to cover that up)