Oct 05, 2007 06:06
We're all just waiting for fall. Today it was 84 with some decent humidity. The dogs were up to going around the lake but after 2 miles were ready to head inside. No
more. They wanted their AC.
In all honesty, we're still just waiting for Spring Rain. It never came and most everything is brown and dead. I worry about how much hay is going to cost this winter and
if we're going to get enough. Grain is also a little hard to come by lately but Miss Fox is doing well.
The pastures are dust. The drainage ponds are as close as we get to "lush fields". You have never seen so many people praying for a hurricane. Praying and begging the
gods and powers that be for rain. Oh to have a 3 day long steady rain would be wonderful. Not some crazy flash flood but lovely, gentle rain for 3 days straight. I know
I'd be out playing in it. Dancing and splashing in puddles. Yes, I am still a kid at heart.
Its time to run off to bed. A long day at work ends with a longer day for me. Up at 7, run my errands in the morning and off to work by 14:00. We'll be short staffed
tomorrow. Just Jairo, The Warrior, and Me. Then one more day and I'm off. If nothing else, haveing two days off in a row is very comforting. I've lived without that
before. I wonder if KB has Columbus day off. I swear I need to get a state job.