Jan 28, 2011 01:22
Gametrailers recently did a top 10 list of the games they'd like to see re-made. I thought I'd post some thoughts on the ideas they put forward.
10. Ducktales (NES)
Ducktales would be a nice remake. Too many people haven't played it and, as such, don't appreciate how amazing the game was. It would only happen if Ducktales were somehow re-released to a new generation, as in, a whole new show, which could be insanely maddening or pleasantly retro.
9. River Raid (Atari 2600)
Enough games like these exist now (top down shoot 'em up). Don't think it needs it.
8. Battletoads (NES)
On one hand, Super Meat Boy (insanely difficult platformer) sold like hotcakes, so there's a market in the hardcore. On the other hands, THE FUCKING SPEEDER LEVEL. Also, this is a Rare, Ltd. game, which means a game made by a once proud development house would be remade by blind ass monkeys with no arms or eyes.
7. Policenauts (Playstation / Saturn)
Never played the originals; they came out only in Japan. Made by Hideo Kojima, I have the feeling, if he remade it, the plot would be as obtuse as a 179 degree angle.
6. Strider (Genesis)
If we can get Contra 4, Ninja Gaiden / Sigma 1 & 2, and Bionic Commando: Re-armed, we deserve the final piece of the psychotic action scrolling platformers of the 80's brought back. Yes, please, I want to take on the Robo-Diet of Japan.
5. River City Ransom (NES)
If you need to know why this needs to be remade, you don't deserve to play the original or any remake.
4. Resident Evil 2 (Playstation)
These next 2 get my same initial opinion, but move out into different directions. The idea of a remake seems awesome, but remakes require building upon and making the old new and somehow better. The remake of Resident Evil for the Gamecube was a knockout. I trust Capcom could make a great remake of Resident Evil 2.
3. Silent Hill (Playstation)
Arguably the best survival horror game ever, the idea of a remake is tempting; however, alot of the appeal for the original game came from how crappy the game looked/sounded (fog and limited visibility, crude enemy designs and tinny sound; combo that together, and you will be legit scared). Also, while Resident Evil observed a renaissance in its gameplay, the recent Silent Hill series games were tepidly accepted at best. I'd love to see it, but I think "pass" is the way to go here.
2. Final Fantasy VII (Playstation)
Just fucking remake it, only to shut up the fanboys. I like the game, Square still suckles that teet like it's spewing whole dairy, and, like I said, it'll pacify fanboys.
1. Panzer Dragoon Saga (Saturn)
An under appreciated series of games (both the shoot 'em ups and the RPG's), mainly because they began appearing on hardware that was on life support, I would love to see a treatment of these games done on new consoles. Who doesn't like burning things whilst riding a giant flying dragon? No one.
That's just my 2 cents.