No Promises To Keep; PG-13/Light R

Jul 30, 2010 00:41

Title: No Promises To Keep
Author: sj_r
Beta: None
Rating: PG-13/Light R
Disclaimer: I bought a few songs from Glee on ITunes; does that count?
Warnings: Angst, cutting, implied sex
Spoilers: Up to 'Theatrically' to be safe
Word Count: 2,316
Pairing: Jesse/Kurt
Summary: For Kurt, to cut is to control his emotions, and to control his emotions is to live.
A/N1: Based on a prompt by Telm for the glee_angst_meme: ‘Kurt has such impeccable control over his feelings because he cuts (mostly on his upper arms to keep it all well-hidden) to internalize things. Somebody (one of the glee kids) discovers this.’ I don't know if this is what you wanted, but I gave it a shot anyway, and I hope you like it!
A/N2: Title from 'Feelin' Groovy' by Simon and Garfunkel. Fuck, I took one of the most cheerful songs in existance, and attached it is this angstfest. What the hell is wrong with me?

(No Promises To Keep)

Mods, since this is the first fic post, I have no idea how to tag this, so, help?

genre: angst, rating: r, author: sj_r

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