This summer started in mid-May and it has continued with unrelenting heat and humidity through to September. It looks likely to stay unseasonably warmish through October into early November. There has been hardly any rain, so the lawn looks yellow and sun-burned. It has been great weather for outdoor summer activities but the drought has left lawns and, no doubt, farmers' crops burned to stubble. All-in-all this has been an unusually hot summer.
When I read of devastating wildfires in Europe it causes me to wonder if climate change is happening at an ever accelerating pace. Maybe the changes are within normal parameters, and maybe I am getting worried about nothing but still, the prospect of an ice-free summer in the Arctic is so unusual that it has me worried. Not that there is anything I can do about it. For me to stop breathing altogether to slow climate change would have a significant impact on me and an insignificant impact on global weather, so I won't be doing that. But every forest fire puts more CO2 and soot into the air and that just feeds the cycle of warming. I sometimes wonder how soon our climate will become more toasty than we can tolerate.