Sep 12, 2007 23:32
I got hit by a car this morning. (Before you get all concerned and send me your kind thoughts: It wasn't all that bad. in fact, technically, I hit the car, since he cut me off without looking, and I didn't have time to stop. And only one side of my body slammed against the car, so I'm mostly uninjured. I did, after all, get back on my bike and ride the rest of the way to work, albeit it without using my left arm so much. Don't worry. I'm fine. In fact, I don't even have a cool bruise to show for my troubles, a fact which cause me no end of irritation all day.)
I wish I could say that I'm writing here again because the "almost getting run over by a car" thing made me reevaluate my priorities, or something. But the truth is, I've been dissatisfied since the Great Crash and I couldn't figure out why, and then I realized: It's because I have this wild story about getting hit by a car (technically, hitting a car), and other than one coworker and The Monk, I haven't really had anyone to tell the story to. Which made me think about how I used to dump stories like that here. Which made me feel guilty about not updating my journal. Which leads to... Well, here.
And now I don't even want to tell the story. Instead, i have distilled the whole event down to some of the funniest things said by the driver who hit me with his car (technically, had his car hit by me):
I didn't even see you there, even after I hit you!
I was wondering what that sound was.
(After I told him that I didn't see his tiny Smart Car coming out from between two larger cars, because it is so small:) But it's tall!
Were you going really fast?
How's your arm?
(As he was leaving:) Okay, well... Good luck!