Hey there guys. Doing ok, though in a bit of pain. Sprained my thumb at work today, and it hurts like hell. Somehow when I was putting a bag down on the belt, I guess I must have tossed it down too hard, becuase it bounced back up and hit me right on the thumb, and something must have bent wrong, cause right after I'm jumping up and down in pain. Not fun. Even more "not fun" is trying to drive home with a sprained thumb that swelling up on you. Imagine trying to turn the key in the ignition, or pulling back on the stick to change gears with a thumb that isn't exactly willing to work without exciting certain nerves. Wasn't a pleasant experience.
Jit patched it up decently though... well she wrapped it actually, and it's wrapped pretty well. This thumb isn't moving in anyway that will cause me any yelp-worthy pain. This still sucks though, because now I'm not going to be able to practice sword stuff for a while, and work is going to be a real bitch. I'm definitely filing an OJI report when I go to work tomorrow.
Oh, by the way, a round of applause for
strix_an_stones... her latest book has been getting some rave reviews. That, of course, is a good thing. Nothing like seeing a talented writer getting her dues, as well as well deserved recognition. Kudoes, and I hope your book sells like crazy.
On geeky shiny gadget news, I've decided that I will be buying that new minidisc recorder/player, specifically, that NH1 model (go
here to see a pic of it... it's the second player pic... as well as see the related post, if you're confused). Here's the kicker: not only am I getting it at a clearance price, but they got TWO of them. That means, one for me, one for Jit. And if I don't want mine, I'll auction it off on Ebay and make me some scratch. Apparently this particular model is well liked... Check the prices on it; you'll be amaized.
ok lesse, what else... can't think of much else... oh yeah,
the poll. Apparantly, some people were having problems answering it becase I had my journal set up to only accept comments from people on my friends list. Sorry about that. I changed the settings now so that anyone can comment. So if you weren't able to do so before, here's your chance now. If you are still having problems, then just tag me at my email: sahar_el@hotmail.com. Again, the poll ends at the end of March, and I'll put up the results, as well as my own answers and opinion on all of this.
Tis it for now I guess. I had a rant that I was going to dig up for you, but right now I don't think is the time, since... well, I dunno, I don't think it will fit. I'll put it up at a later date. Instead, what I will do is put up two small descriptions for two cameo characters that will appear in the Jedi story arc I'm doing with some friends right now. Those people happen to have their own LJ, so I think they might like this. Anyways, enjoy. Oh, and if you want to see a peice of what I'm writing, let me know. I'll post it up here.
Name: Luthe
Class: Force User/warrior. Equivalent to a Jedi Knight.
Current status: On the planet of Ve'wapon, in the Kranitz system, believed to be on a mission against the invading forces of Lord Ichor. The mission may be issued from her organization, The Order of the Holy Avatar, or she may have arrived there for her own personal reasons.
Name: Marquise
Class: Dark Jedi, level of Knight.
Current status: Also on the Planet Ve'wapon, and believed to have gone rogue. While it is knowm that she has no intentions of joining the side of the Sith in this war, it is believed that she hasn't been sent by any known organization, and may be eganged in questionsable tactics and actions against the invading Forces. May prove to be volitile.
'K, that's it. Catch you guys later....