Apologies up front- this entry is about girl parts, and not a fun sort of entry.
Recently, I have started having pain centered above/around my pelvic area, mainly on the left. It isn't unbearable- I can walk, sit, move, etc. When I press down, I feel sick. There is no bleeding, no other gross stuff. I'm also nauseated most of the time. This started about two days ago randomly.
I have no idea if this is cycle-related, either; I have an IUD that is my third after the first was rejected, and both the first and the second made me bleed for nearly eight months solid. Since the third one (the hormonal variety), I haven't had a period. Five years of birth control had left me crazy irregular anyway (was never irregular before that), so who the hell knows.
At any rate, I first thought it was either new kinds of cramps (I've never had normal cramps- they've always been backaches), my IUD being a bastard again (although no bleeding and strings are in place), or an ovarian cyst. As I looked up cysts, it obviously led me the route of cancers.
And then, I lost my mind.
There could be intestinal issues as well- inflammations that cause some pain and resolve with flushing it out- but nope, I am on the crazy train to instant ovarian cancer. The fact that even screenings by physicians can be wrong with frequency doesn't help. I'm anxious, can't sleep, have a massive headache. My ears are also ringing, which- for whatever reason- makes me believe that my whole body is full of cancer and it has invaded my brain.
Anxiety. I haz it.
I have an appointment Monday with the lady doctor. The sonographer should be in that day, so hopefully they will see something. Maybe it's just my IUD poking the wrong spot. Maybe just benign cyst. But the train to CrazyLand won't stop.
I'm so scared.
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