last night i charged 450 dollars on my credit card for a last minute non-refundable flight to paris
but it was through kind of a sketchy third party operator ticket consolidator thing.
i call delta today and they say my ticket has been voided. but only on my second call after i press them about my seating.
and everyone tells me you have to talk to delta, you have to talk to air france, you have to talk to you agent. around in fucking circles
i call the website people i got it from and they say don't worry, they'll send me my e-ticket later today
i am freaking out. i think i might have just flushed 500 bucks down the drain and now i might not even get to see paris.
and i'm like positive that its because i started bragging to people that i was going to paris. i put the jewish evil eye on myself. i forget what thats called.
but i had to! i was just so earnestly and honestly excited!
...maybe that price was a little too good to be true.
if this does all work out i will be in paris in less than 2 weeks.
but right now i just want to throw up.
my parents are going to kill me if this doesn't work out. and i will be fucking stuck in texas. no more paris. no more london. no more scotland.
maybe i should just go throw up.