May 28, 2006 01:57
Saving Private Ryan is on. As a man, and a patriot... I can't help be worked up by it. But there is one scene that stands out more than any other. It, to me, is the most horrific scene in all of movies... to me. The scene is where one of the soldiers is locked in mortal combat. They are wrestling around, and the American siezes a moment and takes out his knife. But it's turned against him. The German has the knife pointed to the American's chest, and they both push against each other with all they can. The American watches, as the knife comes closer... it slowly sinks into his chest. This scene has haunted me ever since I first saw it. For whatever reason, I imagine that being my death... my end. It shakes me now... but back when I was rejecting God... it was horrible. I'd think of it over and over, imagining that was how it ended. Knife, slowly in my chest... all goes to black, and that is the end. Bradley dead from a knife, which he was powerless to stop...
Oh, well... now my celeb crush is on, Harrison Ford. I don't care what anyone says, he's SO much hotter older!