Aug 20, 2004 22:04
Instead of limiting this information to a friend of mine, I thought I'd make a post on my journal about it. The topic of the day: How to eat healthy.
First of all, it's not really a diet. I do not recommend people getting on diets--it defeats the whole purpose of having a healthy relationship with food. There are healthy food everywhere, it might be difficult because, mainly, most people do not know what they need to do. Atkins diet (No Carbs) will never work in Europe, never. The italians would never give up their pasta, the french their breads; it is plainly inappropriate.
It's my philosophy, not anyone else's (except for some from the book, The Fat Fallacy) in order to have healthy eating habits is to understand how your body processes food. Fat takes longer to digest than water. Banana takes longer to process than grapes. Those kind of nuances people should know because eating the right kinds of snacks will help you lose weight and feel better.
Americans, in general, have an addiction to sugar and you are no exception. Junk foods have high, ridiculously high, amounts of sugar in them. Wean yourself off those foods by replacing them with fruits. Fruits have sugar, they actually are sweet.
Milkshakes are very good at curbing hunger for the next one or two hours because of the high fat contents in milk, yogurt, and the fruits (bananas especially). Instead of eating four reese cups, have a small cup of milkshake--you benefit better from it.
Fruits are good source of energy, especially orange juice. Drink juices in the morning to start your day instead of soft drinks (think caffeine crash by lunch--sleepiness after lunch). Add a couple of slices of apple along with your bagel, or even berries.
This is not the best kind of food for everyone. Someone always dislike some form of vegetables, that's normal. Really.
One of the most common misconceptions people have about vegetables is that they must be green. That is not true. Orange, Yellow, and Red Bell Peppers have different nutrients than the green ones. Try radishes, baby spinaches, eggplants, avocados.
Don't be afraid to cook your vegetables, add spices to make it taste better, put cooked onions and peppers on your steak or chicken. Add eggs, peas, beans or whatever you like on your rice. Slice up some vegetables and put them with your ramen, that works too.
Corn on the other hand does not do too well for your body. In fact, your body does not digest corn. Eat this occassionally.
Don't be afraid to be creative with your food. Develop relationships with them. Learn different ways to slice them, to cook them.
Add them to junk food such as pizza, subs, hamburgers, etc.
Fats come in many many forms, but I'm talking specifically fats like cheese, milk, and that sort.
It is not bad kind of fat.
Actually, it helps with staving off hunger. Drinking a glass of milk before going to a party would help prevent you from looking like a fool eating all those finger foods. Cheese makes you full faster(think less food). The french adores their cheese and the italians put it in everything.
Yogurts are really good at keeping sickness at bay. especially during winters. Now please, fat free yogurts are less healthy than those with fat. Trust me.
Ask any European if they can live without bread. They would look at you as if you were some crazy fool and shake their head. Exactly my point.
Don't stop eating bread (I know they're loaded with carbs--a little fact: carbs are your body's source of energy). Switch to whole grain products, they have more fiber and are essential to your health. Makes you shit better.
eating bread in olive oil with basalmic vinegar is really good, especially if infused with spices. Add some cheese on top of the slices; Voila, you have a healthy snack. (Don't forget to eat a slice of apple or orange or whatever you like along with it.)
Basically, talk with yourself, list out what kind of foods you like and do not like. It is all in knowing what foods you are willing to throw away, save, modify. If you like fajitas, try adding a new vegetable, or find a new side to go with it.
Don't read other diets and think theirs would work for you, that is never true. What works for you is when you decide on what you need to do.
Ask yourself questions, can I add fruits to my cereals in the mornings? Peaches in my oatmeals, strawberries in my cereal? if So what kinds do I want?
What kinds of fruits do I like to eat raw? Would they be good snacks? In addition to which snack? What time those snacks are good for?
Challenge yourself--Since you are what you eat, who are you? What do you like? Go to the food store, look at the fresh produce, think of which meals you could add those to.
your health would greatly improve. Don't force yourself. I always thought it was stupid to think of food constantly, they are not your enemy and obviously most of you are not thinking of food in a romantic manner. Maybe that's the problem.
-Der Sankt