(no subject)

Oct 01, 2006 19:25

So no news on the MRI yet (or anytime in the next week or so either. the earliest I'll know anything is the 13th.), but thanks to anyone who asked me how it went or wondered how it went, or even anyone who forgot I was having one but who likes me. Thanks.


And thank you too, Kevin. If Erica didn't exist, you'd be it.

I have decided that if I had to choose now what I would take with me to a deserted island for the rest of eternity, it would just be albums by Interpol and Modest Mouse. I got one o' them 80 gig ipods, and out of all the audio/video I have all I have been listening to is Interpol and Modest Mouse. Can you blame me? Go listen to "Teeth Like God's Shoeshine" right now, or to "NYC." Or really anything else by either band. I can't stop. I can't even do my homework. It's just those boys over and over.

That... and Battlestar Galactica. *gurgle* Battlestar Galactica you guys. p.s. shut up Erica.

Also: anyone who LOVES coffee more than their own soul, but who can't drink it because it hurts their tummy and makes them agonize and poop and stuff, the new tummy-safe coffee by Folgers DOESN'T HURT. It's true.

I'd like to go an entire week without having an allergic reaction to something. I'm eating the exact same food every day at exactly the same times. I'm only taking two medicines right now, I'm only using the "safe" laundry detergent, I'm not trying ANYTHING new to any of my senses yet I keep getting freak reactions and nausea and hives and dots and stuff at weird times. Like during calculus. Why? Who knows.

At least I have Modest Mouse and Interpol. That's right.

And Mike. I have Mike.
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